Understanding and Preventing Community Violence: Global Criminological and Sociological Perspectives

Understanding and Preventing Community Violence: Global Criminological and Sociological Perspectives


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List of Contributors


1. Garth den Heyer, Lecturer, Walden University

An Examination of Police Response to Riots and Violent Demonstrations

2. "", Comparing Police Use of Force in New Zealand and the United Kingdom

3. "", An Examination of the Use of Force by the New Zealand Police: 2009 to 2018

4."", Assaults on Police Officers: A Review of the Predictors

5. Daniel Clay and Frederick Turner, Professor, Keiser University,

From Ferguson to Baltimore: Modern Police Responses to Riots

6. Randall Snyder, Investigator, Pinal County Sheriff's Office, Criminal Investigations Bureau

Examining and Investigating Child Sex Crimes

7. Scott Schaffer, Intelligence Analyst, Arizona State University,
Violent Communities: The American Road

8. Alan Beckley, Researcher, University of Western Sydney,

Soccer-related Violence; The Response in Australia and the United Kingdom

9. Police and Protestors: Motives and Responses

10.Rune Glomseth and Magne Aarset, Lecturer, Norwegian Police College,
Violent crime among children and young people in Oslo in the period 2015-2019: The police's challenges, response and experiences.

11.Brad Cotton, Researcher - Retired Police Sergeant, WB Global Partners - Canada,
Training and Police Use of Force - Dynamic Simulations to Reduce Violent Encounters

12. Community-based Alternate Police Delivery Models

13. E. Ryan and Laura Bedford, Lecturers, Deakin University, Reporting Conducted Energy Weapons use to the Public: a cross-jurisdictional comparison

14. Ross Hendy, Lecturer, Monash University, Control behaviours during conflict resolution police-citizen encounters in South Australia and New Zealand

15. Ritesh Kotack, Consultant, Canada, Technology in Policing

16. Hasan Arslan and Rainer Kroll, Professor, Western Connecticut University,

Police Shootings, the Media and the Public

17. James F. Albrecht, Professor, Pace University, Increasing Gun and Community Violence in the United States: Causes and Analyses

18. S. Hakan Can, Professor, Penn State University, The Impact of Violence on Police Officer Mental Health and Wellbeing

19. Christiaan Bezuidenhout, Professor, University of Pretoria, Community Violence and Vigilante Response in South Africa

20. Rick Parent; Cathay Parent, Professor, Simon Frazier University, Canada and the USA--A Comparison of Community Violence in Bordering Nations

21. James F. Albrecht, Professor, Pace University, Criminological Explanations for Police Officer Brutality and Criminality

22. Robert Hanser; Savannah Ohara Monroe, Professor; University of Louisiana;

Policing Amidst the Black Lives Matter Movement in the United States

23. Amos Oyesoji Aremu and Abisoye Priscilla Aremu; Professor; University of Ibidan; Commodification of Kidnapping School Insecurity in Nigeria: Appraisals and National Challenges

24. Theresa Tobin; Professor; Molloy College; American Policing Strategies to Prevent Community Violence

25. Perry Stanislas and Ebrima Chongan; Professor/Detective Chief Inspector; University of Canterbury, UK/Gambia Police; Communal Complexity, Conflict, and Security in the Gambia

26. James F. Albrecht; Professor; Pace University; Afterword and Final Thoughts







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