Guía Astrológica Para Corazones Rotos/ Astrological Guide for Broken Hearts

Guía Astrológica Para Corazones Rotos/ Astrological Guide for Broken Hearts


:NT$ 606 元
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La divertida comedia rom嫕tica en la que se basa la exitosa serie de Netflix.

Las estrellas no mienten... Los hombres s?

Nunca he cre獮o en el hor鏀copo. Sab嶯s por qu? Porque te dice que est嫳 viviendo un periodo favorable, te da tres estrellas en salud, dinero y amor y, sin embargo, t?te sientes como un trapo viejo, tu vida sentimental es un desastre y tu trabajo pende de un hilo.

Bienvenidas al club de las desdichadas intergal塶ticas!

Me llamo Alice y hasta hace unos meses mi autoestima estaba por los suelos. Mi ex estaba a punto de ser padre y por la cadena de televisi鏮 en la que trabajo acababa de aparecer un nuevo jefe con una sonrisa imposiblemente sexy y el apodo de «el cortador de cabezas . Lo timo que necesitaba.

Entonces a mi vida lleg?Tio, mi entrenador astrol鏬ico personal, para convencerme de que mis problemas no eran debidos a un complot c鏀mico sino a la posici鏮 de los planetas en mi carta astral. As?que lo ico que pod燰 hacer era ponerme en sus manos y averiguar qu?sorpresas me ten燰n reservadas las estrellas.

Y os aseguro que lo que descubr?fue mucho m嫳 que eso porque, quiz? cuando se trata de amor... el destino no est?escrito en el cielo.


Now a Netflix original series

Frustrated at the path her life has taken, Alice decides to take control of her personal life using astrology as her guide in this quirky, steamy, and hilarious romantic comedy.

Alice Bassi is (a little) over 30, single (not by choice), and she can't help but feel that she is failing at this whole adulthood thing. She's stuck in a dead-end job, just found out her ex-boyfriend is engaged to his pregnant girlfriend, and Richard Gere hasn't shown up with flowers and a limo to save her from it all.

On one particularly disastrous morning --when Alice would much rather have stayed home, curled up with her favorite rom-coms-- she meets Davide Nardi. Handsome yet indecipherable, Davide would be the leading man of Alice's dreams-- if only he weren't the "hatchet man" brought in to help streamline production and personnel at the small television network she works for.

In the midst of all this, Alice runs into Tio --an actor and astrology expert who is convinced he can turn her life around with a little help from the stars. Skeptical but willing Alice decides to take Tio's advice and only date men whose Zodiac signs are compatible with hers. Unfortunately, it turns out that astrological affinity doesn't always guarantee a perfect match, nor prevent a series of terrible dates, disappointments, and awkward surprises. It also doesn't keep Davide from becoming more attractive every day.

Perfect for fans of Bridget Jones's Diary and Star-Crossed, An Astrological Guide for Broken Hearts is a witty, sexy, and relatable portrait of a modern woman's search for love and a dream job, only to discover that your destiny isn't always written in the stars.







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