Diabetes Discovered: What Everybody Needs To Know About Diabetes: A Visual Tour

Diabetes Discovered: What Everybody Needs To Know About Diabetes: A Visual Tour


:NT$ 872 元
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  • Did you know that diabetes affects virtually every cell and system in your body?
  • Did you know that about 1 out of every $10 spent on healthcare in the USA is spent on diabetes?
  • Did you know that every year, in the USA, there are nearly 3x the number of amputations related to diabetes compared to nearly a century of wars fought by American soldiers?
  • Did you know that despite many new "anti-diabetes" medications developed in the past 30 years, the number of people coming down with diabetes (diagnosed or not) is still on the rise?
  • Did you know that having complications related to diabetes can be at least as deadly as a diagnosis of cancer?
  • Did you know that 1 out of 3 adults (in the USA, and places with a similar lifestyle) have "Pre-Diabetes"?
  • Did you know that diabetes (type 2) can be reversed?

"Diabetes Discovered" is a full colored and illustrated visual overview intended to show, not just tell the public that diabetes may be the most under-appreciated disease in the modern world. This book is dedicated to those who have already suffered from complications of diabetes and to those who may be protected from suffering the same fate. The book contains the basic information that everybody needs to know to prevent and/or control the disease (mainly type 2 Diabetes).

"Diabetes Discovered" contains colored illustrations that represent:

  • The current high prevalence of diabetes
  • What goes wrong inside the body with diabetes
  • The physical, mental, emotional, social, and financial complications of diabetes
  • The main factors that contribute to the prevalence of diabetes
  • Fundamental actions one can take to prevent, or at least better control diabetes

Who Should Read It?

The book is written for the public (anybody who can read), but especially for those who are most at risk for diabetes; there is a good chance you are one of those at-risk persons.

Why You Should Read It:

Because diabetes is a hugely under-appreciated and highly preventable metabolic condition that costs hundreds of billions of $$$ every year. It is getting worse because people are not addressing the root causes adequately. It has an effect on virtually everybody, directly and personally, or indirectly by the heavy burden it places on society. You may be on the road to diabetes, especially if you have features of metabolic abnormalities such as hypertension, high triglycerides, high cholesterol, being overweight and/or sedentary, or with a family history of these problems.

Need Motivation/Incentive To Live More Healthy?

Diabetes Discovered is a glimpse into the reality of what happens to very many people who are getting sick by simply following the default modern lifestyle. You may think you understand the importance of being healthy, but are you doing what it takes to actually be healthy? Diabetes Discovered was created to motivate YOU to be healthy and help you make it a reality.







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