Definitive proof man invented god and holy books

Definitive proof man invented god and holy books


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A pastor once commented that most Christians didn't feel the need to attend Bible study. So, on Bible study day the church is "empty" but on Sunday it is full. He claimed their perspective was that accepting Jesus and being saved and baptized was the only requirement. And yet, if devoted Christians and those who identify with Christianity were asked if they believe in the Bible they will say yes. The question is, how can they believe in that which they have neither read nor studied? Their rationale is based on their belief in the Jesus story, and believing that Jesus died for our sins is the same as believing in the Bible because the Bible is about Jesus dying for our sins. So, as long as they have been saved and baptized, and obey the Ten Commandments, they have nothing to worry about. As a result of this way of thinking, there is an assumption that the details of the narrative in the Bible are all correct but not particularly important, and study is not necessary.

The problem with this approach is that those who have been indoctrinated in the Christian faith and have read the Bible, interpret it based on their indoctrination, that is, they bring preconceived beliefs to the reading. As a result of this, the Christian world believes that Satan disguised himself as a serpent and tempts Adam and Eve, even though the Bible make no such claim! This is the tip of a giant iceberg. Christians would be shocked if they realised that The Bible doesn't support any of the other core doctrines of Christianity. It does not support hellfire, heaven, original sin, and worship and praise. The description of hellfire and heaven is vague and has multiple, and unrelated meanings - how do you choose one? A book inspired by an infinitely intelligent being would be clear and precise. The description of hellfire and heaven is vague and has multiple, and unrelated meanings. If this is a real story and we were put on earth to worship, pray to, and praise God, "God" would have said this to Adam and Eve. Sin was not mentioned to Adam and Eve, nor was it said that their descendants would inherit their sins. This was a doctrine introduced to Christianity by St Augustine. Without even the pretence of divine revelation how can Christianity stand, apart from blind faith?

Christianity originated Sexism and the Bible gives it "spiritual" credibility. The greatest deception ever played on women.

1 Timothy 2:12; 1 Corinthians 14:34-35

How can this book be inspired by our ultimate parent, "God", who is claimed to be "love", and "his" mercy endureth forever? forever?







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