The Marriage Ceremony

The Marriage Ceremony


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Every day Nuns and Buddhists at Hương Sen Buddhist Temple, California, USA, have practiced and recited following the Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi Lễ H跣g Ng輇 - 50 Kinh Tụng v?c塶 Lễ V燰 trong Năm" (Daily Chanting - Fifty Discourses and Annual Festivals) of the Pureland Sect, which was composed in 2021 by Bhikkhunī Th獳h Nữ Giới Hương. It is based on the original ritual of her late Master, the Venerable Elder Hải Triều 瀉 at Li瘽 Hoa Temple and Dược Sư Temple.

Since many Vietnamese-Americans, Hispanic, native Americans, and English speakers have come to Huong Sen Temple in search of practice and ritual, Bhikkhunī Giới Hương composed an English version of DAILY MONASTIC CHANTING. It encompasses 16 popular rituals to serve the spiritual needs of any Buddhist sect, including the Pure Land and Meditation Traditions as below:

  1. Practice Meditation
  2. The Ceremony for Peace
  3. The Rice Offering to Buddhas
  4. The Lunch Offering at the Dining Hall
  5. The Ritual Offering Food To Hungry Ghosts
  6. The Pureland Course of Amitabha Sutra
  7. The Medicine Buddha Sutra
  8. The New Year Ceremony
  9. The Great Parinirvana Ceremony
  10. The Buddha's Birthday Ceremony
  11. The Ullambana Festival (Parents' Day)
  12. The Marriage Ceremony
  13. The Blessing Ceremony for The Deceased
  14. The Ancestral Ceremony
  15. The Enlightened Buddha Ceremony
  16. The Uposatha Ceremony (Reciting Precepts)

With regard to mindful chanting, we take sources from the sacred book, Chanting from the Heart: Buddhist Ceremonies and Daily Practices of Th獳h Nhất Hạnh. In the field of the Pureland School, we have taken material from the above Vietnamese scripture, "Nghi Lễ H跣g Ng輇," and translated it into English.

We should chant at least once a week, any place and any time, or more often if we have more time. The chant will help to avoid negative thoughts, defilements, distractions -any of the myriad things that intrude into the one-pointed mind. We definitely feel the connectedness with Dharma (the Buddha's teaching), we feel the spirit being lifted up, the awakening and the settling of the mind to enter meditation. We will become bright, enduring, detached, diligent, generous, loving, understanding and so on . . . because we practice following the chanting and the role model of Buddhas.

Chanting out loud or silently listening to chanting can also be very relaxing as we go about our day. It can be used to calm our mind before work or sleeping.

For the sake of all the general practitioners, there are some changes, combinations, additions, reductions, and creations made in this English version. This is the first time that both traditions have been combined in an English version for the necessary needs at Huong Sen Buddhist Temple.

We would like to gratefully acknowledge with special thanks the Buddhas, Boddhisattvas, Sanghas, the English translators, Master Th獳h Nhất Hạnh, our Late Respectful Teacher - Venerable Elder Bhikkhunī Hải Triều 瀉 and others. You all provided us the awakening words to remind and guide us in the right way of practice. We will keep chanting, learning and practicing it until we and all beings get the enlightenment as well as realize our Buddha nature.

If there is any merit in compiling this book, may it be shared with all sentient beings. May they diligently practice and soon gain the way of love and understanding.

Reciting the sutras, practicing the way of awareness

gives rise to benefits without limit.

We vow to share the fruits with all beings.

We vow to offer tribute to parents, teachers, friends,

and numerous beings who

give guidance and support along the path.

(Th獳h Nhất Hạnh)

Hương Sen Temple, California

March 15, 2023

Bhikkhunī TN Giới Hương







定價:100 304



