Optimal: Cómo Alcanzar La Excelencia Personal Y Laboral Todos Los Días / Optimal: How to Sustain Personal and Organizational Excellence Every Day
出版社:Ediciones B
作者:Daniel Goleman
En su vanguardista bestseller Inteligencia emocional, Daniel Goleman revolucion?nuestra forma de pensar sobre la inteligencia. Ahora, revela m彋odos pr塶ticos para usar dichos recursos internos y entrar de mejor manera a un estado 鏕timo de alto desempe隳 y satisfacci鏮, mientras se evita el desgaste. Hay instantes en los que llegamos a un cl璥ax de nuestro desempe隳: un atleta juega un partido perfecto; un hombre de negocios termina el trimestre con ganancias nunca antes vistas. Pero tales momentos muchas veces son inasibles, y por cada magn璗ico d燰 tenemos cientos ordinarios e incluso insatisfactorios. La satisfacci鏮 no se da con apogeos aislados, sino con muchos buenos d燰s consistentes. As?pues, c鏔o mantener el desempe隳 mientras se evita el desgaste y se conserva el equilibrio? En 舁timo, Daniel Goleman y Cary Cherniss revelan c鏔o la inteligencia emocional nos puede ayudar a tener un gran d燰 cualquier d燰. Explican c鏔o establecer la meta realista y asequible de sentirte satisfecho de haber tenido un d燰 productivo, para trabajar consistentemente a tu nivel "鏕timo". A partir de investigaciones sobre c鏔o cientos de personas construyen la arquitectura interna de tener un buen d燰, los autores trazan c鏔o se siente un estado 鏕timo y muestran c鏔o la inteligencia emocional es la clave para nuestro mejor desempe隳. 舁timo es la culminaci鏮 de d嶰adas de descubrimientos cient璗icos en relaci鏮 con la inteligencia emocional. Un aumento en la inteligencia emocional rinde frutos al mejorar el compromiso y la productividad, y tener m嫳 d燰s satisfactorios. En este libro encontrar嫳 las claves de la aptitud para la inteligencia emocional y m彋odos pr塶ticos para aplicar tales habilidades con m嫳 presteza. Te equipar?para convertirte en un l獮er altamente efectivo y te permitir?crear una cultura organizacional que empodere a los trabajadores para mantener un desempe隳 alto.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION In his groundbreaking #1 bestseller Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman revolutionized how we think about intelligence. Now, he reveals practical methods for using these inner resources to more readily enter an optimal state of high performance and satisfaction while avoiding burnout. There are moments when we achieve peak performance: An athlete plays a perfect game; a business has a quarter with once-in-a-lifetime profits. But these moments are often elusive, and for every amazing day, we may have a hundred ordinary and even unsatisfying days. Fulfillment doesn't come from isolated peak experiences, but rather from many consistent good days. So how do we sustain performance, while avoiding burnout and maintaining balance? In Optimal, Daniel Goleman and Cary Cherniss reveal how emotional intelligence can help us have a great day, any day. They explain how to set a realistic, attainable goal of feeling satisfied that you've had a productive day -- to consistently work at your 'optimal' level. Based on research of how hundreds of people build the inner architecture of having a good day, they sketch what an optimal state feels like, and show how emotional intelligence holds the key to our best performance. Optimal is the culmination of decades of scientific discoveries bearing on emotional intelligence. Enhanced emotional intelligence pays off in improved engagement, productivity, and more satisfying days. In this book, you'll find the keys to competence in emotional intelligence, and practical methods for applying this skill set more readily. It will equip you to become a highly effective leader and enable you to build an organizational culture that empowers workers to sustain high performance.
ENGLISH DESCRIPTION In his groundbreaking #1 bestseller Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman revolutionized how we think about intelligence. Now, he reveals practical methods for using these inner resources to more readily enter an optimal state of high performance and satisfaction while avoiding burnout. There are moments when we achieve peak performance: An athlete plays a perfect game; a business has a quarter with once-in-a-lifetime profits. But these moments are often elusive, and for every amazing day, we may have a hundred ordinary and even unsatisfying days. Fulfillment doesn't come from isolated peak experiences, but rather from many consistent good days. So how do we sustain performance, while avoiding burnout and maintaining balance? In Optimal, Daniel Goleman and Cary Cherniss reveal how emotional intelligence can help us have a great day, any day. They explain how to set a realistic, attainable goal of feeling satisfied that you've had a productive day -- to consistently work at your 'optimal' level. Based on research of how hundreds of people build the inner architecture of having a good day, they sketch what an optimal state feels like, and show how emotional intelligence holds the key to our best performance. Optimal is the culmination of decades of scientific discoveries bearing on emotional intelligence. Enhanced emotional intelligence pays off in improved engagement, productivity, and more satisfying days. In this book, you'll find the keys to competence in emotional intelligence, and practical methods for applying this skill set more readily. It will equip you to become a highly effective leader and enable you to build an organizational culture that empowers workers to sustain high performance.