Prayers for Me and Prayers for Us: Prayers, Poems and Haiku

Prayers for Me and Prayers for Us: Prayers, Poems and Haiku


:NT$ 576 元
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"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." With childlike faith, I come before You, trusting in Your goodness and Your faithfulness to answer the questions of my heart.

In the silence of my heart, I come before You, humbly seeking Your divine presence and guidance. As I lift my voice to You, I ask for the grace to abide in Your will, to walk in Your ways, and to fulfill the purpose You have ordained for me. Grant me, O Lord, the strength, wisdom, and courage to navigate the journey You have set before me.

In the midst of life's challenges and uncertainties, I find solace in Your everlasting love and unwavering faithfulness. You are the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the One who holds all things together by the power of Your word. In You, I find my refuge and my strength.

In whispers soft, I kneel before Thy grace,
With childlike faith, I seek Thy sacred face.
"Ask, seek, knock," Thy tender words resound,
In humble supplication, I am bound.

In silence deep, my soul does yearn,
For Thy presence, O Father, to discern.
Grant me, dear Lord, the strength to tread,
The path Thou hast in wisdom spread.

Amidst life's trials, Thy love sustains,
In Thee alone, my refuge remains.
Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End,
In Thy embrace, all fears suspend.

Midst trials Thy love
Refuge in Thee alone found
Alpha Omega

Jesus Shepherd guide
Teach trust in surrender's rest
Blessed in Thy will

Wisdom beyond sight
Walking in truth in Thy light
Courage faces dark

Almighty God, Creator of all that is seen and unseen, in the depths of our souls, we come before you in humility, seeking the strength, wisdom, and courage to navigate the trials and tribulations of this earthly journey. As we lift our voices in prayer, may the spirit of righteousness and justice guide our hearts, and may the words we speak echo the legacy of those who have paved the path of freedom and equality.

O God, grant us the strength to withstand the storms that assail our spirits, to rise above the darkness that seeks to engulf our souls. In the face of adversity, empower us to stand firm in our convictions, unwavering in our commitment to truth and righteousness. May we draw strength from the wellspring of your divine grace, finding solace in the knowledge that you are ever-present, a beacon of hope in our darkest hours.

Endow us, O God, with wisdom beyond our years, that we may discern the paths laid before us with clarity and purpose. Grant us the insight to recognize injustice wherever it may dwell, and the courage to confront it with unwavering resolve. May our minds be illumined by the light of your truth, dispelling the shadows of ignorance and prejudice that cloud our vision.

Almighty God,
Creator of all seen and unseen,
In our souls' depths, we humbly come,
Seeking strength, wisdom, courage,
To navigate earthly trials.

As we pray, righteousness' spirit,
Justice's echo guide our hearts,
Words echoing legacies,
Freedom, equality's path.

Grant us strength to withstand storms,
To rise above engulfing darkness,
Empowered, unwavering,
In truth, righteousness.

Almighty Creator
In humble souls we seek strength
Guidance through trials

Prayer's righteous echo
Legacy of freedom's path
Equality's call

Strength against storms' might
Rise above engulfing dark
Empowered by truth

Grant us the strength, O Compassionate One, to rise above our limitations, to overcome the obstacles that stand in our path, and to persevere in the face of adversity.







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