作者:Dennis James Le Boeuf; LimingJing
:NT$ 230 元優惠價
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About the book and the authors: This is the second book in the exciting Smiley Grammar series that was written to meet your need for a lower-intermediate-level introduction to English grammar. With many years of teaching, editing, and writing experience in China, Taiwan, and the US, the authors understand how critically important it is for a grammar book to be lively and entertaining. About the features of the book:1. Studying grammar rules becomes enjoyable and fun. In this Smiley Grammar book, you will see fun pictures and read interesting examples about daily life, fairy tales, history, humor, practical advice, and the future. 2. Use rhyme to help you learn grammar rules. An enjoyable poem or dialog goes with each grammar rule. Rhyme is extensively used to help you smile and relax while learning grammar. I was playing and singing in a tree.Does one plus two equal three? Do you really want to know me?I’m the past tense of the verb to be, Was and were, as you can see. 3. Definitions of grammar rules are simple and easy to understand. Smiley Grammar Book 2 has 14 chapters, and each chapter introduces one grammar topic such as Past Progressive Tense, Present Perfect Tense, or Present Perfect Progressive Tense. Explanations of the rules are clear and easy to understand. * * * * * * * * * * * *《Smiley Grammar Book》專為初學文法者所編寫,本書美籍作者為文法專家,亦擅長詩歌創作,他們擁有在台灣、中國大陸數十年的教學經驗,深諳亞洲學生學習文法的痛苦。他們創新將文法要點融入詩歌創作中,藉由朗讀詩歌來認識文法,將帶給你煥然一新的感受!? 創新誦讀詩歌學文法每個 Part 均針對文法要點,編寫一首以上的詩歌或對話,句句押韻,琅琅上口。甚至將文法術語擬人化,讀來趣味橫生,記憶深刻,更可當成口訣背誦。例如下列「過去式be動詞」的獨白(節錄):I was playing and singing in a tree.Does one plus two equal three?Do you really want to know me?I’m the past tense of the verb to be, Was and were, as you can see.? 文法說明淺顯易懂,循序漸進本書依照文法要點,共分為 14 個 Chapter,一個 Chapter 介紹一種文法項目,如:「未來式」、「過去進行式」、「不定詞」、「動名詞」等,主題明確,份量適中,淺顯易懂,學習毫無壓力!? 例句豐富,多有押韻大量閱讀是增進英文能力的不二法門,本書作者編寫了大量的押韻例句,題材涵蓋生活、童話、科幻與奇幻,想像力無所不至,讀來輕鬆,又可培養語感!? 較難單字附加註釋本書所蒐羅的詩歌和例句中,較難單字皆隨文附加註釋、音標和詞性,或背景說明,便於隨時參照,不中斷閱讀。? 練習題測驗理解能力大部分的 Part 均編寫了 1-3 大題練習題,學完立刻測驗,最能幫助記憶!不僅可以自修,也適合教學之用。
Dennis James Le Boeuf was born in the U.S.A. He has an MA degree in education. Dennis enjoys reading, writing, traveling, and using technology to teach English. Liming Jing was born in Chengdu, Sichuan, China. She has an MA degree in English. Liming is a former Associate Professor of English at Sichuan Normal University, China and a former ESL instructor at Saint Leo University, Florida, U.S.A. She won awards from the Sichuan provincial government for her English teaching and translations. Liming is now a professional American writer, translator, and proofreader. Books written by Dennis Le Boeuf and Liming Jing have been published in Canada, Japan, China, Taiwan, and Singapore. Dennis and Liming have also proofread and edited over 120 English books for publishers.World Talk books co-authored by Dennis and Liming include: 1. Small Talk 2. American 5003. New Mother Goose (1-2)4. Phonic Poems for the New Millennium (1-2)5. Common Errors in English From A to Z 6. Comprehensive Grammar7. Comprehensive Grammar and Practice Book8. Common Confusing Words9. Smiley Grammar Book (1-3)Liming also published an autobiography, Flying High out of a Tibetan Valley. Her translations include Milan Kundera’s Life Is Elsewhere and The Joke, Ivan Klima’s My Merry Mornings and The Spirit of Prague, and Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s The First Circle. * * * * * * * * * * * *Dennis James Le Boeuf美國教育專家,北密西根大學教育碩士,美國執證教師。錄過許多廣播和電視的英語學習節目,裨益無數莘莘學子,亦曾在中國和臺灣教授英語。他與景黎明女士合著的作品有《生活英語小對話》、《誦讀鵝媽媽歌謠學英語》、《小時候的英語詩》、《情境英語無所不談》、《你的英文又錯了!》、《讀森林王子學英語》、《英文文法全書》、《英文文法全書活用練習》、《英文易混淆字A to Z》等。其中一些書在幾個國家或地區名列暢銷書排行榜經久不衰。數年來Dennis和景黎明為出版社校對了近百本書籍,接過各式各樣的電話,為人們解答語法和習慣用語的問題。Liming Jing(景黎明)美籍華人,四川大學英語碩士。曾任四川師範大學英語副教授、美國聖利奧(Saint Leo)大學 ESL 教師、美國移民局和各大醫院的電話翻譯兼筆譯。曾獲得四川省英語教學成果獎和翻譯獎,現為專業審訂者、翻譯及作家。作品有《高高飛出西藏山谷》。譯著有《生活在他方》、《玩笑》、《我快樂的早晨》、《布拉格精神》、以及《第一圈》等多部世界名著。