Fatal, Gracias: Historias de Una Vida Tan Desastrosa Como La Tuya / Horrible, Thank You
作者:Paula Púa
A la protagonista de Fatal, gracias, le preocupa demasiado lo que los dem嫳 piensen de ella, tiene la autoestima m嫳 baja que un comensal de First Dates y su relaci鏮 m嫳 estable es con Wallapop. Su sue隳? Ser la mejor c鏔ica de Espa鎙. De momento, en su trabajo no saben c鏔o se llama.
Entre mon鏊ogos en fiestas patronales, actuaciones en garitos sin ventanas y semanas en las que tiene que dormir en casa de su mejor amiga porque en la suya han cortado la luz, su vida es una sucesi鏮 de situaciones tan tr墔icas como c鏔icas y nos abre las puertas a unos lugares y personajes que parodian el mundo de la televisi鏮 y del stand-up.
Paula P, c鏔ica y guionista, nos regala la oportunidad de re甏nos de las historias de una vida tan desastrosa como la tuya. Esta es una comedia sobre la aceptaci鏮 de la propia mediocridad y la autoexigencia: historias que nos hablan de lo que somos y de lo que podr燰mos ser.
The portrait of a generation that always wants more, that gets less every time, and that has a not-so-great time when they have to make a phone call.
The protagonist of Horrible, Thank You worries too much about what others think of her, she has a lower self esteem than a guest at First Dates, and her most stable relationship is with Wallapop. Her dream? Being the best comedian in Sapin. At present, nobody at her job knows her name.
Between monologues in patron saint festivities, performances at windowless gambling dens, and weeks where she has to crash at a friend's house because they cut the power at her place, her life is a succession of both tragic and comic situations, and she opens the door for us to some places and characters that parody the world of television and stand-up comedy.
Paula P, comedian and screenwriter, gives us the opportunity to laugh at episodes from a life as messy as hers. This is a comedy about accepting your own mediocrity and self-demand: stories that speak of who we are and who we could become.