Keys to God's Kingdom: Abide, Love, Help
作者:Henry Drummond
Can you imagine living in a world without war, without crime, without poverty, without pain? Can you imagine living in a world where you are loved and you are able to love? Would you like to live in God's Kingdom?
The first key to God's Kingdom is Abide. The invitation to Abide comes from the teaching by Jesus during the Last Supper found in John Chapter 15.
I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without me you can do nothing. - Jesus (John 15:5)
This book provides helpful suggestions on how to Abide. Learning to Abide in Jesus is important. You can then use the other two keys - Love and Help.
The second key to God's Kingdom is Love.
In Paul's letter to the Corinthians he writes about Love. In this book you will find Henry Drummond's classic essay - The Greatest Thing in the World, which is an essay based on Paul's description of Love, found in 1 Corinthians Chapter 13.
The third key to God's Kingdom is Help - helping others.
As you look back on your life, have you noticed that one of the highlights was a time you helped someone? This is not help in order to obligate the person you are helping, but, help in secret without expecting a benefit in return. In 1929, Glenn Clark published a small book with the title of Fishers of Men. Clark presents a very simple yet profound method of what he describes as: "lifting someone out of sin and trouble."
If you learn to abide, to love and to help, then you will find yourself living in God's Kingdom. The essays in this book will inspire you..