Why I''m drinking an ice-cold mojito by my home swimming pool and you are not: The answers you don''t want to hear to the questions you don''t want to as
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Why I'm drinking an ice-cold mojito by my home swimming pool and you are not: The answers you don't want to hear to the questions you don't want to as

Why I'm drinking an ice-cold mojito by my home swimming pool and you are not: The answers you don't want to hear to the questions you don't want to as


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Why I'm drinking an ice-cold mojito by my home swimming pool and you are not is not a book that holds your hand. It shakes you up, pokes at you, and tears you apart. It doesn't coddle you with empty promises or spin you fairy tales about achieving everything just by wishing hard enough. Do you know why? Because if wishing were enough, we'd all be rich, gorgeous, and happy-and Amazon wouldn't need a "self-help" section.

I'm not here to sell you illusions. I'm here to ask you one simple, blunt question: why aren't you living the life you want? Yeah, that life you stalk on Instagram, dream about at night, or envy in that guy who always seems to get it right. It pisses you off, doesn't it? Good. That anger is the fuel you need. I'll show you how to ignite the engine.

Forget the polished gurus who tell you to "manifest abundance." Forget the magical seven steps to becoming rich, happy, and married to a supermodel. What you'll find here are truths that sting but actually work.

Inside these pages, there are no spells or secret formulas, just a brutally honest, no-BS approach combining psychology, science, and a dash of streetwise pragmatism. I'll show you how your brain often works against you. I'll explain why you make choices that sabotage your happiness, why the excuses you tell yourself sound so convincing, and how to flip the script starting today.

This isn't a self-help manual stuffed with motivational slogans that make you want to punch a wall. It's a practical toolkit of street psychology. I'll teach you how to spot your toxic mental patterns and dismantle them piece by piece. I'll help you understand how to use discipline, change, and a healthy dose of recklessness to get where you want to be. This is science with rolled-up sleeves, ready for action.

You don't need a neuroscience degree to get it, but you do need the guts to face reality-and yourself. No one's coming to save you, and you're the first obstacle standing between you and the life you keep watching from afar.

Why I'm drinking an ice-cold mojito by my home swimming pool and you are not treats you like a no-nonsense friend, the kind who teases you awake but always has your back. It speaks your language-the language of people who live, screw up, stumble, and get back up again. It offers you concrete tools and a new way of looking at yourself and the world-not starting from fantasies, but from truth.

DISCLAIMER: This isn't a book that changes your life. You are the one who changes it.






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