This concise and authoritative work offers the latest guidance on journalism ethics for students and media professionals and will help empower news consumers to make informed decisions about the trustworthiness of their sources of information. It offers advice on all aspects of journalism ethics including accuracy and seeking the truth, representation of women, LGBTQ coverage, climate change, mental health, use of images, conflict reporting, elections, and how to use artificial intelligence. The author brings a unique perspective and depth of knowledge to the complex challenges facing journalists and news consumers in this era of fake news, disinformation, and artificial intelligence.
Journalism EthicsThis concise and authoritative work offers the latest guidance on journalism ethics for students and media professionals and will help empower news consumers to make informed decisions about the trustworthiness of their sources of information. It offers advice on all aspects of journalism ethics including accuracy and seeking the truth, representation of women, LGBTQ coverage, climate change, mental health, use of images, conflict reporting, elections, and how to use artificial intelligence. The author brings a unique perspective and depth of knowledge to the complex challenges facing journalists and news consumers in this era of fake news, disinformation, and artificial intelligence.
本書採取一種較為廣泛的視野,認為公共行政之倫理學應該包含善治(good governance)的層面。因此,內容除探討傳統「行政倫理」(Administrative Ethics)所著重的組織內部層級間適當關係外,還引介並闡述了當代人們關注民主政府之正當性和回應性的諸多課題,是以本書定名為《公務倫理》,意即「公共服務的倫理學」(The Ethics in Public Service)。故而本書的