賞心悅目、幽默逗趣,敘述嚴謹卻又充滿智慧。如此微妙的平衡只有豪爾赫和丹尼爾能達到。——羅維理 Carlo Rovelli ︱《七堂簡單物理課》作者進入黑洞、暫停時間、揭開多重宇宙之謎讓人耳目一新的宇宙學入門書人類最大的共通點就是會問問題、渴望知道答案。在看過科幻電影、小說之後,你是否曾跟朋友討論:.時間能暫停嗎?.要如何回到過去?.被吸進黑洞會怎樣?現在,這些問題有解答了!漫畫科學家豪爾赫.陳和粒子物理學家丹尼爾.懷森擅長以風趣易懂的風格回答大眾提問。他們在本書中將帶領我們一起探險,從科學的角度出發,一步步揭開宇宙奧祕。準備好一同踏上旅程了嗎?記得坐穩並敞開心靈,你會發現宇宙跟想像中不一樣,必須用全新的角度來觀察!
Is the opinions agreed by the majority of experts necessarily correct? Is there any other way for the universe to be created besides the Big Bang? Why “potential energy” is described as extra energy? Is the speed of light the limit? What is space? What is time? Can an empty space really give rise to all things? This book offers a new perspective on the birth of the universe and gives you an insightful and unique explanation.