本書首度以帕金森氏症病人的角度,分享作者患病前後的生活與心路歷程。從一開始質疑自己為何會得到帕金森氏症?到慢慢去認識與接納這個頗為纏人的慢性病;透過各種醫療、運動與信仰上的幫助,作者找出面對帕金森氏症的身心調整之道。本書透過作者與家人的對話,以及一些雋永的有趣案例,栩栩如生的剖析帕金森氏症,是如何對一向生龍活虎般的他,產生如此重大的影響,但同時也給了他一個重新認識人生的機會!希望這本幽默、感人的小書,可以給帕金森氏症病友、家屬、相關醫療人員,甚至其他關心這個病症的讀者,帶來一絲內心的盼望與安慰!本書作者除了與兩位良醫密切配合外,還做了下列許多「自我鍛鍊」的心力活動:●宗教信仰:每天禱告認罪悔改,並把所有難處託付給神。●每週六登山健行:風雨無阻挑戰登山健行,來練體力、耐力、意志力等,放鬆心情欣賞美景;並可做一週以來各項運(活)動的總驗收。●不時地唱歌:讓五臟六腑活動,也讓心情愉快;記歌詞使腦筋不退化。●時常慢跑:鍛鍊體力,也消除壓力。●每週日團練笑笑功:培養正向心態,也改變撲克牌臉。●時常游泳:維持身體平衡並增強體力。●時常跳舞:讓肢體各方協調、身體平衡。●勤練書法:培養專注力,增強右手的力道。●每日做拍打功:讓全身放鬆,經脈暢通。●每天做平甩功:改變先天體質與造化,對各種疾病都有療效。●針灸治療:活絡經脈,流通血氣。*意志力突破:以上各項活動,得依照個人症狀,選擇自己喜歡且可行者三、五項。每日或有機會就認真實行,堅持到底,必然日起有功。*近來,我每天都做平甩功100分鐘(5,000下)以上;並每週針灸三次。Wow! I was Diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease!After his retirement, Dr. Chen was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. For an initial period of depression and disappointment, he decided to set out to learn more about his disease. Overtime, he learned that Parkinson's disease was not-so deadly, and eventually even learned how to co-exist
Psychosis and Schizophrenia in Hong Kong covers some of the most serious mental health conditions that top the global disease burden and affect 3 per cent of the general population. However, most research on psychotic disorders is undertaken in the West, and few studies have been systematically carried out in Asia despite global interest in regional differences. This work offers a unique and coherent account of these disorders and their treatment in Hong Kong over the last thirty years.Chen and his research programme’s pioneering work has ranged from the impact of early intervention on outcomes and relapse prevention, to the renaming of psychosis to reduce stigma. The studies have contributed to wider international debates on the optimal management of the condition. Their investigations in semantics and cognition, as well as cognition-enhancing exercise interventions, have provided novel insights into deficits encountered in psychotic disorders and how they might be ameliorated. The re