使用深入淺出的方式,將財務會計實證研究採用的計量方法介紹給讀者。以財務會計或審計研究議題穿插在各章節內容中介紹實用的計量方法,有別於以矩陣代數、微積分或超出初等統計學為基礎的傳統計量經濟學教科書。透過財務會計或審計研究議題來解說計量方法,不僅拉近缺乏數理基礎研究生跟計量方法的距離,對於研究生論文研究設計的建構有具體的幫助。全書架構清晰,基礎篇及財務會計實證研究初階篇內容相當於初等計量經濟學,而財務會計實證研究進階篇內容是有助於那些希望把實證會計研究做得更深入、更完善的讀者。於各章節適時穿插財務會計學術期刊中與計量方法使用相關的文章,有助於研究生及時掌控這些方法在使用上須注意事項。財務會計實證研究進階篇為本書最大特色,尤其是最後三章的內容,有助讀者了解財務會計實證性學術文章中涉及內生性問題的幾種方法。每章最後一節結合內容提供完整的 Stata 實證操作,是一本相當實用的計量與程式的自學工具書。
Principles of Financial Accounting, 3rd edition, continues to provide leading accounting content that engages and motivates students. With its step-by-step approach, this book streamlines complex accounting processes and helps students to build confidence by mastering key concepts and procedures. Suitably written for both introductory and intermediate courses on Financial Accounting, guided by international accounting standards, this edition helps students to develop good decision-making habits as they prepare, analyze, and apply accounting information. It also includes the latest available financial reports of Nestlé and adidas, both multinational companies that comply with international standards in accounting to further reinforce the real-world relevance of accounting concepts.KEY FEATURES•The recognition, measurement, disclosure and reporting of revenues, receivables, and investments follow the guiding principles of international accounting standards.•Available with Connect®, a per