Health is not just the absence of disease. In an era when living to 100 is becoming more common, our concept of ageing must evolve. While Hong Kong people enjoy the world's longest life expectancy, an important question arises: Are we truly achieving healthy ageing? In this book, Professor Jean Woo addresses a diverse array of challenges associated with the elderly population in Hong Kong society, including issues like elderly poverty, unfriendly community designs, unfair stigmatization faced by seniors, and late-life loneliness. Drawing on extensive research and clinical experience, she advocates for self-care, education, and empowerment, encouraging us to move beyond dependence on doctors and medications. Ageing is inevitable, yet we can control how we age. -------------------------------------------------------------- By 2046, 36% of Hong Kongers will be ‘older adults’. Take Charge of Your Own Ageing is a timely publication to remind our society about the significance of co-crea
To Know the Real Drucker: Eight Articles Will Help You is a collection of eight articles by Peter Drucker: “The Unfashionable Kierkegaard” (1949) and its introduction (1992), “The New World-View” (1957), “From Analysis to Perception: The New World View” (1989), “Reflections of a Social Ecologist” (1992), “What Is a Functioning Society?” (1942), “From Rousseau to Hitler” (1942), “The Human Situation Today” (1957), and “Management as Social Function and Liberal Art” (1989). Readers can find the source of each articles in the table of contents and editor’s note per article. Of the eight articles, only the last one is from Drucker’s works on management. The other seven are from his books on society, politics, and economics. Although the world has hailed him as the “Father of Modern Management,” he considered himself a “social ecologist.” This book will play an indispensable role in explaining the reason for that and in further understanding the foundation of faith and worldview which Druck
●一本方法的書,是展現在實作的方法。●一本實作的書,是體現理論思辨的實作。●一本理論的書,是在方法與實作中開展的理論。●一本整合方法、實作與理論的社會學專書。二十一世紀的「社會學想像」(sociological imagination)是什麼?如果C. W. Mills還活著,他會如何撰寫出與時俱進的Sociological Imagination?立基在戰後台灣社會學的發展,我們可以發展出自己的社會學想像嗎?如何讓這個立基在台灣社會的社會學想像具有全球的意涵與影響?要如何具體實踐這個新世紀的社會學想像?《四位一體的社會學之道:技法、基本議題、認識論與存在感》試圖回應上述的大哉問。本書主張「四位一體」,「四位」指的是技法、基本議題、認識論與存在感。技法就是一般理解的、具體的社會學研究操作方法;基本議題指的是社會學成立以來,研究者都會觸及的深層課題,如社會秩序之形成與變遷;認識論指的是報導人與研究者認識世界與社會生活的觀點與立場;存在感則涉及報導人與研究者的價值關懷;「一體」指的則是在探究社會生活時,這四者緊密連結,彼此呼應。本書以精進研究「提問」開始,接著分析「回答」,即體現社會秩序這個基本議題的場域運作邏輯(「田野理路」),同時也探討在基本議題上的原創。在技法上,本書探討了標明特徵、類型化、概念化與重新概念化,以及捕捉意義。在認識論上,本書探討建構研究對象與整體化的嘗試。在存在感上,本書指出各種推動社會研究的價值關懷,如捍衛與體現特定的價值、回饋報導人、促成社會對話,以及豐富社會學家自身等,並探討存在感與學術研究的連結。最後,本書指出四位一體的各種路徑,像是並列、觸發、連鎖、反射與相應,全書各章從而整合成一個全方位的社會學之道。本書同時涵蓋了方法、理論與實質研究成果,處理當代社會議題,並探索未來社會學研究的發展方向。