How did Bitcoin price increase 1,200 times in only a decade? Why can a virtual image be sold for as high as HK$500 million? How did Dogecoin once become the fourth largest digital asset in terms of market cap, after being created for fun? Understanding the development of blockchain and crypto assets and how to make good use of its decentralized technology can protect individual wealth effectively and be an edge against the inflation caused by central banks, and sometimes also be a shortcut to get rich. Cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many others, have been mushrooming in recent years. Blockchain technology has also evolved from 1.0 to 3.0. How can you identify and seize these new opportunities? This book gives a brief explanation of the development course of blockchain and crypto assets, an analysis of the industry ecosystem, a framework for institutional investors to manage their portfolios, and an outlook on the development direction of this industry in the coming
雲端之幣-比特幣,讓你第一次就上手比特幣可能不只帶來金融革命,並帶來一種全新的產業革命這是一個比特幣的時代嗎?我想它尚未來臨。但不可否認的是,許多醉心研究比特幣的人深信它即將到來。國外有些人甚或認為比特幣將成為網路時代衝擊性第二大的產品,其重要性僅次於網路本身。對這些人來說,比特幣是Magic Internet Money(魔幻網錢),比特幣是Money 2.0 (新世代錢幣)。比特幣不僅僅是貨幣,它同時也是一種protocol。它同時也是一個新的去中心化的平臺。比特幣它具有貨幣的性質,但他絕不僅僅是一種貨幣或虛疑商品。比特幣所提供的變化和延伸性近乎無窮無盡。也許您常常在電視或者是報章雜誌上看到比特幣這三大字,但是卻對它的來龍去脈不了解;或許您想要進入這個市場但是苦無機會和方向。而我們本書的目的就是要帶領您去瞭解它。本書以最簡潔和最少的專業技術用語來介紹比特幣,從它的前世今生到申請電子錢包,到如何挖礦和金融政策分析。全面性的探討和教學,本書絕對可以讓您通盤瞭解比特幣,來讓您走在比特幣的浪頭上。