In The New Politics of Beijing–Hong Kong Relations, Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo looks at the diverging changes to the ideologies from both Beijing and Hong Kong, and the ideological conflicts as taken in the form of factional political struggles between 2012 and the present. This book examines the paternalistic authoritarianism that can be seen in Beijing’s policy toward Hong Kong since the promulgation of the national security law in late June 2020. Lo analyzes the ideological shift from liberal nationalism to conservative nationalism in mainland China, which has taken place since late 2012. The increasingly radical localism in Hong Kong after 2014 transformed Beijing–Hong Kong relations into a conflict-ridden situation characterized by factional struggles. While the imposition of the national security law into Hong Kong since late June 2020 has stabilized the city politically, Beijing’s policy toward Hong Kong is now guided by the principles of protecting its national security and m
被戲稱第29任香港總督的Hong Kong Watch 創辦人中國共產黨寄信給他媽投訴的人權鬥士久守香港與緬甸報導新聞真相為維吾爾人、圖博人、臺灣人找回國際空間現任保守黨人權委員會副主席的資深記者羅傑斯走訪亞洲各地,從青島到香港,再前往東突厥、圖博,進而到了台灣,透過自己的第一身經歷,披露中共「有形之手」的管治。從描寫中共獨裁一面開始,繼而寫出中共插手干預香港人權,妨礙台灣民主發展,威迫維吾爾人和法輪功的種種片段,甚至影響緬甸、北韓等地方的管治,都有清晰的描述,藉此捍衛人權,喚起全球關注。2017年在英國創立Hong Kong Watch,在兩年後的香港鉅變提供了意料之外的重要支援。羅傑斯深入中共、緬甸、北韓等獨裁政權的虎穴,希望為各地的人爭取自由,可以擺脫「有形之手」的束縛。書中寫下種種鮮為人知的內幕,揭示獨裁政權的真面目,喚起讀者一顆憐憫之心,關注世界各地的人權狀況。這本書犀利指控中共在人權問題、種族滅絕以及器官摘取(估計每年收益高達10億美元)上的暴行。羅傑斯帶領讀者深入了解自1949年中國成立以來,中共對人權活動的打壓和封殺。他駁斥北京宣稱所有中國公民享有平等、人權和公民權的虛偽主張。目前,這政權正執行文化同化、再教育和種族滅絕,如果信賴中國官方的話,這將鑄造「更好的」中國和世界公民。中國駐加拿大大使聲稱,針對新疆維吾爾穆斯林受到的種族滅絕和強制勞動的報告為「本世紀最大謊言」,儘管如聯合國等國際機構認為這些報告是「真實且可靠」。這本書將徹底推翻這種錯誤觀念。