Heritage and History in the China–Australia Migration Corridor traces the material and social legacy of migration from China to Australia from the 1840s until the present day. The volume offers a multidimensional examination of the material footprint of migration as it exists in the migration corridor stretching between Zhongshan county in south China and Australia. Spanning the fields of heritage studies, migration studies, and Chinese diaspora history, Denis Byrne, Ien Ang, Phillip Mar, and other contributors foreground a transnational approach to the heritage of migration, one that takes account of the flows of people, ideas, objects, and money that circulate through migration corridors, forming intricate ongoing bonds between those who migrated to Australia and their home villages in China.
書中將告訴你美國公民具備哪些優勢,以及赴美生產的實際過程操作及所需費用、申請表格等,全部step by step,讓準媽媽們輕鬆上手,不僅體驗一種投資報酬率高達55倍的最ㄏㄤ投資商品,更能提前為下一代預備不一樣的人生。 美國公民具備哪些優勢:‧享有12年國民義務教育,從國小到高中學費全免。‧擁有高水準醫療設備和保險,以及各種社會福利措施(包括失業、退休福利金)。‧全球180多個邦交國免簽證特權(天
目次Part I 10萬元可以做什麼?1-1時局壞壞,如何盤算出走?1-2投資理財的一顆閃亮新星1-3移民不再是有錢人的專利1-4買身分當成買保險1-5為下一代慎選優質教育環境Part II 錢不能白花,一次就要過關!──申請移民10堂必修課 2-1一般性移民2-2技術移民2-3投資移民※ 附移民申請表格圖解2-4其他申請永久居民方式第一堂課:永久居留權與公民權有何不同?第二堂課:單身移民困難嗎第