In this study of the anti-colonial riots which erupted in Hong Kong in May 1967, the authors of May Days in Hong Kong shed new light on their causes, their impact on future government policy and on Si
Hong Kong's story in the Second World War has been predominantly told as a story of the British forces and their defeat on Christmas Day 1941. But there is another story: the Chinese guerrilla forces
Law Wing Sang provides an alternative lens for looking into Hong Kong’s history by breaking away for the usual colonial and nationalist interpretations. Drawing on both English and Chinese sources, he
The story of the British acquisition of Hong Kong is intricately related to that of the Portuguese enclave of Macao. The British acquired Hong Kong in 1841, following 200 years of European endeavours
香港一直是亞洲流行訊息接收轉換最快速的地方,有些資訊甚至還沒被消化,就已經被市場淘汰,經常去香港的遊客會發現香港時時改變,但細心觀察總也有不變的東西,到底哪些是不退敗的經典?那些又是創新的潮流?我們為讀者介紹關於香港的「Hong Kong 潮遊101」,由香港人全程推薦(服裝、風格、娛樂編輯們),適合初哥與老手們-初哥可以按圖索驥、老手可作為記憶的收集-針對買潮物/品潮食/逛潮街/賞潮地/泡潮店的