本書以主題會話為軸線,隨句附上翻譯及單詞。會話詳細標註各音節聲調,由基礎發音開始,包括聲調、變調乃至台語文的特有的變調原則。不同於一般語言教材,本書將常用的功能詞、特殊句型作為獨立單元,同時就台語語法特點進行說明。書中導入線上辭典及輸入法工具等學習資源,蒐錄日常生活中常見的俚俗用語,利於學習者自學及日常情境活用。This book features topic-based conversations. Each sentence is provided with translation and vocabulary. Every syllable is marked with music notes indicating the tone pattern. Here you learn not only vowels and consonants, tones and tone sandhi of words, but also tone sandhi rules applied to the whole sentence.What makes this book unique: treating commonly used function words and special sentence patterns as independent units; explaining grammatical features; providing online resources, such as dictionaries and input methods. Slangs and idioms often used in daily life are also included.
本份手稿現藏於義大利羅馬安吉利卡圖書館,為1604年耶穌會會士Pedro Chirino與菲律賓唐人合作編撰而成,作為西班牙人學習閩南語之用。手稿分成雜字與生活用語兩部份,前者依循閩南地區流行的《雜字》書籍內容,收錄日常使用的字、詞,後者則是摘錄當時唐人生活使用的句子,在這些用語之旁,加注西班牙文對應字與拼寫閩南讀音。此一手稿為現存所見最早的西班牙與閩南人語言交流的文本,為人類「世界記憶」(Memory of theWorld)的重要資產。