包青天有英文兒童版啦! Pop! Lit for Kids系列改編東西方耳熟能詳的經典,讓小孩也能輕鬆閱讀,快樂認識這些世界各地的名著。Throughout the centuries, people have recounted tales of a legendary magistrate known as Justice Bao! Never letting anything stand in the way of his pursuit for truth and justice, Justice Bao was a clever and upright official who never failed to solve his cases. He was liked by all who sought justice, and feared by criminals everywhere.In this second book of Justice Bao's adventures, you will discover the keen intelligence and masterful skill of a well-respected figure who remains a household name in many parts of the world!Taking classic stories from Asia and the West, Pop! Lit for Kids reimagines them into easy-to-read stories that provide the perfect introduction to classic tales. The most well-loved stories from around the world have been adapted into a form that will excite and entertain children everywhere.
本書以「跨界」、「成長」和「間/介」為綱要,收錄十篇兒童文學精要著作,引介當代兒童文學研究思潮。「跨界」以圖畫書、圖像小說與奇幻文學為研究文本,探觸地方、空間與情感的流動,跨國童年的再現、跨國與在地的辯證及年齡的倒置與跨越。「成長」以青少年文學為關注焦點,探討青少年電影中的(非)線性敘事、青少年科幻小說與(反)烏托邦小說中青少年身體經濟學,以及兒童奇幻小說中的哲學思辨。「間/介」涉及兒童文學的翻譯、插畫及教學,三者皆為兒童文學得以繁衍、成形、實踐的重要管道與媒介。古佳艷 Carol Chia-Yen Ku國立臺灣大學外文系比較文學博士,臺大外文系退休教師。曾開授課程包括:西洋文學概論、歐洲童話研究、文學翻譯等,並擔任跨校「童年論述經典研讀會」計畫主持人。吳玫瑛 Andrea Mei-Ying Wu國立成功大學臺灣文學系教授,現任台灣兒童文學研究學會理事長,曾任國際兒童文學研究學會(International Research Society for Children’s Literature, IRSCL)理事及美國兒童文學學會(Children’s Literature Association, ChLA)國際委員會(International Committee)及多樣化委員會(Diversity Committee)委員。專長領域為兒童文學、青少年文學、童年研究、跨國文學及跨文化研究。黃惠玲 Jessie Hui-Ling Huang國立雲林科技大學應用外語系副教授,研究領域為繪本、語言教學、多元文化與創意寫作。陳聿寬 Bess Yu-Kuan Chen現任東吳大學英文學系及國立臺北科技大學應用英文系兼任助理教授,教授文學及語言學習相關課程。研究專長與興趣為:弱勢族裔研究、英美兒童與青少年文學、視覺文化研究、動物與文學、及十九世紀起英美文學、文化及文學批評論述