
三民網路書店 中文圖書分類法 / 語文類 / 中國兒童文學 / 圖畫故事

Don Quixote: The Crazy Adventures of a Knight-In-Training精裝
作者:Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/05/13 裝訂:精裝
阿隆索是一位對英雄主義故事著迷的老人,他將自己取名為「唐吉訶德」──是一名訓練中的騎士,在他的僕人「桑丘」與一匹老馬「羅西南多」的陪伴下,他開始了一趟趟瘋狂的冒險。讓我們一起加入這個古怪的騎士,一起試圖與不是巨人的「巨人」作戰,並拯救可能不想被拯救的少女!*本書互動功能需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Alonso is an old man who is obsessed with stories of heroism. So, he reinvents himself as Don Quixote, knight-in-training! Accompanied by his servant-turned-squire, Sancho, as well as his trusty old horse Rosinante, he sets off on many crazy adventures. Join this wacky knight as he attempts to battle giants that aren't giants and saves maidens who might not want to be saved!
庫存 > 10
定價:508 元, 優惠價:9 457
The Adventures of Admiral Cheng Ho
作者:Stephanie Lee-Ling Ho  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/05/13 裝訂:平裝
一起加入海軍將領-鄭和下西洋的開拓性遠征吧!途中將會遇到海盜、颱風和奸詐的國王,但鄭和非常聰明,並有帝國艦隊的實力做為後盾。這位傳奇的海軍將領將會克服一路上的威脅,讓他的皇帝感到驕傲嗎?*本書互動功能需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Come along on Admiral Cheng Ho's trailblazing expeditions to xiyang, the "western seas"! We will encounter pirates, typhoons and treacherous kings but the Admiral is smart. He is also backed by the strength of the Imperial fleet. Will the Admiral overcome these threats and make the Emperor proud?
庫存 > 10
定價:338 元, 優惠價:9 304
Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Wars and Heroes
作者:Guanzhong Luo  出版社:World Scientific Pub Co Inc  出版日:2022/05/13 裝訂:平裝
在戰爭中,英雄崛起,但每個英雄都有不同的樣貌:有的擅長刀槍,如趙雲;有些人則專精於在腦中謀劃各種計策,例如諸葛亮;即使人會逐漸老去,但英雄永遠是英雄!就像上了年紀的黃忠。在〈三國志〉系列的第二冊,讓我們一起認識中國古代英雄們!*本書互動功能需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。In the midst of war, heroes rise up. But heroes come in different shapes and sizes. Some are good with swords and spears, like Zhao Yun. Others use their brains, like Zhuge Liang. Although men grow old, a hero will always be a hero, like the elderly Huang Zhong. In the second book of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms series, learn about the heroes of ancient China!
定價:338 元, 優惠價:9 304
作者:朱紹盈  出版社:柏樂出版  出版日:2022/05/11 裝訂:精裝
專業醫師撰寫的醫學繪本給孩子~~醫學知識 + 探索觀察 + 道德學習 + 良好習慣疥瘡是因疥蟲感染而產生的常見皮膚傳染性疾病,傳染力極高,只要家中有人感染,就非常可能全家都被傳染。小兒科朱紹盈醫師在臨床上常見嬰幼兒的疥瘡感染問題,深刻體會疥瘡對於孩子及家長造成的困擾,希望透過輕鬆簡單的文字和插圖,讓小朋友和家長認識疥蟲,並提醒預防疥瘡感染的方法。【推薦本書的理由】推薦理由 1→輕鬆學醫學知識故事輕鬆詼諧,插畫生動有趣,讓孩子在無壓力狀態下,自然而然的吸收醫學知識,認識疥瘡發生的原因及疥蟲的習性。推薦理由 2→引發探索與觀察以古代宋朝為故事背景,推演至現代。文字內容及插畫都蘊含當時時代的生活與環境點滴。封面參考清明上河圖,帶入故事疥君及人類的角色們,形成幽默有趣的可愛畫面;故事內容的插畫角色,會不經意地出現在封面中,可引導孩子探索與觀察。推薦理由 3→了解傳統道德意涵故事中注入仁義禮智信的信念與觀點,讓孩子了解傳統道德意涵,進而效法學習。推薦理由 4→養成良好衛生習慣可愛簡單的文字插畫,讓孩子輕鬆理解預防疥瘡的好方法,養成良好的生活及衛生習慣,保持健康身體。
定價:360 元, 優惠價:9 324
作者:謝茹  出版社:京采  出版日:2022/05/11 裝訂:精裝
定價:180 元, 優惠價:79 142
作者:左左  出版社:少年兒童  出版日:2022/05/01 裝訂:精裝
定價:280 元, 優惠價:9 252
World of Science (Set 3)
出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2022/04/25 裝訂:平裝
《World of Science 科學世界》系列有趣的內容,能吸引孩子從樂趣中學習,同時透過豐富的擴增實境(AR)動態增進科學知識、活潑有趣的全彩漫畫培養對科學的熱愛。本套書涵蓋多元的科學主題,並符合亞太地區的劍橋小學課程大綱,並具有延伸內容,拓展小讀者的好奇心與科學思維。本系列包含一本特別版《Guss'Gutsy Adventures》,內容由A* STAR(新加坡科技研究局)的消化系統專家-Germaine Yong博士撰寫。 *本系列書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。The World of Science series engages, educates and entertains children, imparting scientific facts, while nurturing the love of Science through dynamic, full-colour comics enriched by Augmented Reality. All topics covered are in line with the Singapore primary Science syllabus and the Cambridge primary Science curriculum, and also offer beyond-the-syllabus insights designed to stretch inquiring young minds. This set includes a bonus Special Edition book Guss' Gutsy Adventures: An Augmented Reality Tale of a Young Bacteria Navigating the Human Digestive System, authored by A* STAR Scientist Dr Germaine Yong, an expert in the digestive system. The topics covered in this book are taught in the Singapore Science primary school syll
定價:1188 元, 優惠價:9 1069
作者:思琪‧漢歐爾  出版社:小典藏  出版日:2022/04/25 裝訂:精裝
袋鼠媽媽的口袋太亂了!住在裡面的亞力,快要受不了了啊! 亞力是一隻小袋鼠, 他的媽媽南西是全世界最棒的媽媽, 卻不是全世界最愛乾淨的媽媽。 這件事讓亞力快要抓狂, 因為媽媽不管拿到什麼東西, 都直接往她的袋子裡放,把裡面弄得亂七八糟, 而亞力大部分的時間都待在那個袋子裡。 亞力和媽媽剛好相反, 他非常愛整潔,他會努力的把東西擺放得整整齊齊, 但是他越整理,就有越來越多的東西出現, 一雙襪子、一罐蜂蜜、一隻直笛¬…… 甚至還有吃了一半的香蕉! 東西真的太多了,多到沒有亞力活動的空間, 他已經受夠了! 小袋鼠亞力會繼續住在媽媽的口袋裡嗎?還是會聽從姊姊艾莉的建議離開媽媽的口袋呢? 《亂七八糟的口袋》以育兒袋的概念勾勒出媽媽和孩子間的連結,也輕巧的描繪出密不可分的親子關係,以及鼓勵孩子走向獨立的過程。
定價:350 元, 優惠價:9 315
Adventures with More Land Animals
作者:Kwek Karen  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2022/04/25 裝訂:平裝
《與更多陸地動物一起冒險》身臨其境的接觸20多個不同棲息地的居民。鹿角和牛角有什麼區別?為什麼樹懶的行動如此緩慢?你能發現黑豹的……斑點嗎?在螞蟻大軍中前進。來一次公路旅行,驚嘆於駝鹿的魅力,與椰子蟹搏鬥,還遇見令人難忘的長鼻猴!從北極荒野到安第斯山脈,從遙遠的草原到隔壁的花園,比以往更近距離地認識更多的陸地動物!*本書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Adventures with More Land Animals is an immersive encounter with more than 20 residents of diverse habitats above and below ground. What's the difference between antlers and horns? Why does the sloth move so slowly? Can you spot the black panther's ... spots? March in an army of ants. Take a road trip to marvel at the moose. Wrestle with the coconut crab. And meet the unforgettable proboscis monkey! From the Arctic wilderness to the Andean Mountains, and from faraway grasslands to gardens next door, experience more land animals up closer than ever before!
庫存 > 10
定價:270 元, 優惠價:9 243
Adventures with Materials
作者:Kwek Karen  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2022/04/25 裝訂:平裝
《材料歷險記》身臨其境的接觸超過15種纖維、礦物、樹脂和金屬,這些材料在日常和專業被廣泛應用。天然材料和合成材料有什麼區別?琥珀如何捕捉史前生命的片段?為什麼棉花是世界上最重要的作物之一?用桑蠶紡製一些精美織品。成為魔術師的學徒,並見證鎵的迷人特性。從設計和美術到建築和施工,從科學實驗室到你的家中,以前所未有的方式欣賞材料的驚人用途!*本書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Adventures with Materials is an immersive encounter with more than 15 fibres, minerals, resins and metals that have a wide range of everyday and specialist applications. What's the difference between natural and synthetic materials? How does amber capture a slice of prehistoric life? Why is cotton one of the world's most important crops? Spin some fine fabric with the mulberry silkworm. Become an illusionist's apprentice. And witness the mesmerising properties of gallium. From design and the fine arts to building and construction, and from the science lab to your home, appreciate the astonishing uses of materials as never before!
庫存 > 10
定價:270 元, 優惠價:9 243
Adventures in the Green Movement精裝
作者:Kwek Karen  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2022/04/25 裝訂:精裝
《綠色運動歷險記》身臨其境的接觸21世紀最緊迫的環境問題,以及如何解決這些問題的各種方案。為什麼我們應該關心森林砍伐、霧霾和塑膠垃圾?我們要如何才能負責任地管理水和電等資源?種一棵樹,做再生紙,對一次性用品說「不」!騎著自行車繞著地球上的綠色城市走一圈!從扭轉環境破壞到推廣環保能源,體驗綠色運動的鼓舞人心的廣大影響!*本書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Adventures in the Green Movement is an immersive encounter with some of the most pressing environmental issues of the 21st century, and the wide variety of solutions aimed at addressing those problems. Why should we be concerned about deforestation, haze and plastic waste? How can we manage resources like water and electricity responsibly? Plant a tree, make recycled paper, and say "no" to single-use disposable items! Ride a bike around one of the planet's green cities! From reversing environmental damage to promoting eco-friendly sources of energy, experience the inspiring impact of the green movement as never before!
庫存 > 10
定價:508 元, 優惠價:9 457
Adventures with More Land Animals精裝
作者:Kwek Karen  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2022/04/25 裝訂:精裝
《與更多陸地動物一起冒險》身臨其境的接觸20多個不同棲息地的居民。鹿角和牛角有什麼區別?為什麼樹懶的行動如此緩慢?你能發現黑豹的……斑點嗎?在螞蟻大軍中前進。來一次公路旅行,驚嘆於駝鹿的魅力,與椰子蟹搏鬥,還遇見令人難忘的長鼻猴!從北極荒野到安第斯山脈,從遙遠的草原到隔壁的花園,比以往更近距離地認識更多的陸地動物!*本書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Adventures with More Land Animals is an immersive encounter with more than 20 residents of diverse habitats above and below ground. What's the difference between antlers and horns? Why does the sloth move so slowly? Can you spot the black panther's ... spots? March in an army of ants. Take a road trip to marvel at the moose. Wrestle with the coconut crab. And meet the unforgettable proboscis monkey! From the Arctic wilderness to the Andean Mountains, and from faraway grasslands to gardens next door, experience more land animals up closer than ever before!
庫存 > 10
定價:508 元, 優惠價:9 457
Adventures with Germs and Your Health
作者:Boo Benedict Wee Kiat  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2022/04/25 裝訂:平裝
《病菌與你的健康歷險記》是一場身臨其境的接觸,了解在我們生活周圍、身上和內部的微生物,以及它們對我們的生活有什麼影響。細菌如何傳播?感冒和流感有什麼區別?為什麼要注意你吃進去的東西?培養好菌,在疾病大流行中倖存下來,並避免食物中毒的危險!打破一些關於疾病的常見神話,武裝自己對抗癌症!從免疫系統的防禦到藥物的治療效果,以前所未有並令人驚奇的方式感受身體內部的運作!*本書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Adventures with Germs and Your Health is an immersive encounter with the microorganisms that live around, on and inside us, and their impact on our lives. How do germs travel? What's the difference between a cold and the flu? Why should you watch what you eat? Grow your good bacteria, survive a pandemic, and avoid the perils of food poisoning! Bust some common myths about disease, and arm yourself to fight cancer! From the defences of your immune system to the healing effects of medication, experience the mind-blowing inner workings of your body as never before!
庫存 > 10
定價:270 元, 優惠價:9 243
Adventures with Germs and Your Health精裝
作者:Boo Benedict Wee Kiat  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2022/04/25 裝訂:精裝
《病菌與你的健康歷險記》是一場身臨其境的接觸,了解在我們生活周圍、身上和內部的微生物,以及它們對我們的生活有什麼影響。細菌如何傳播?感冒和流感有什麼區別?為什麼要注意你吃進去的東西?培養好菌,在疾病大流行中倖存下來,並避免食物中毒的危險!打破一些關於疾病的常見神話,武裝自己對抗癌症!從免疫系統的防禦到藥物的治療效果,以前所未有並令人驚奇的方式感受身體內部的運作!*本書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Adventures with Germs and Your Health is an immersive encounter with the microorganisms that live around, on and inside us, and their impact on our lives. How do germs travel? What's the difference between a cold and the flu? Why should you watch what you eat? Grow your good bacteria, survive a pandemic, and avoid the perils of food poisoning! Bust some common myths about disease, and arm yourself to fight cancer! From the defences of your immune system to the healing effects of medication, experience the mind-blowing inner workings of your body as never before!
庫存 > 10
定價:508 元, 優惠價:9 457
Adventures with Materials精裝
作者:Kwek Karen  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2022/04/25 裝訂:精裝
《材料歷險記》身臨其境的接觸超過15種纖維、礦物、樹脂和金屬,這些材料在日常和專業被廣泛應用。天然材料和合成材料有什麼區別?琥珀如何捕捉史前生命的片段?為什麼棉花是世界上最重要的作物之一?用桑蠶紡製一些精美織品。成為魔術師的學徒,並見證鎵的迷人特性。從設計和美術到建築和施工,從科學實驗室到你的家中,以前所未有的方式欣賞材料的驚人用途!*本書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Adventures with Materials is an immersive encounter with more than 15 fibres, minerals, resins and metals that have a wide range of everyday and specialist applications. What's the difference between natural and synthetic materials? How does amber capture a slice of prehistoric life? Why is cotton one of the world's most important crops? Spin some fine fabric with the mulberry silkworm. Become an illusionist's apprentice. And witness the mesmerising properties of gallium. From design and the fine arts to building and construction, and from the science lab to your home, appreciate the astonishing uses of materials as never before!
庫存 > 10
定價:508 元, 優惠價:9 457
Adventures with Technology and Gadgets精裝
作者:Kwek Karen  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2022/04/25 裝訂:精裝
《科技和小工具的歷險記》身臨其境接觸超過15項突破性的進步,這些進步改變了我們的生活、工作和娛樂方式。第一台電腦是什麼時候發明的?光纖技術如何改變通信?如果你能用現實生活中的「力場」保護你的財物呢?在數位筆記本上塗鴉,與機器人朋友鬥智鬥勇,並穿著 GPS 鞋四處走動!從清潔我們生活空間的機器,到載著我們移動到各地的引擎,從口袋型設備到巨大的資訊中心,以前所未有的方式認識科技和小工具的驚人運作!*本書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Adventures with Technology and Gadgets is an immersive encounter with more than 15 groundbreaking advances that have changed the way that we live, work and play. When were the first computers invented? How did fibre optic technology transform communications? What if you could protect your belongings with a real-life "force field"? Scribble in a digital notebook. Pit your wits against robot friends. And walk around in GPS shoes! From the machines that clean our living spaces to the engines that move us from place to place, and from pocket-sized devices to vast hubs of information, grasp the astounding workings of tech and gadgets as never before!
庫存 > 10
定價:508 元, 優惠價:9 457
Adventures with Technology and Gadgets
作者:Kwek Karen  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2022/04/25 裝訂:平裝
《科技和小工具的歷險記》身臨其境接觸超過15項突破性的進步,這些進步改變了我們的生活、工作和娛樂方式。第一台電腦是什麼時候發明的?光纖技術如何改變通信?如果你能用現實生活中的「力場」保護你的財物呢?在數位筆記本上塗鴉,與機器人朋友鬥智鬥勇,並穿著 GPS 鞋四處走動!從清潔我們生活空間的機器,到載著我們移動到各地的引擎,從口袋型設備到巨大的資訊中心,以前所未有的方式認識科技和小工具的驚人運作!*本書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Adventures with Technology and Gadgets is an immersive encounter with more than 15 groundbreaking advances that have changed the way that we live, work and play. When were the first computers invented? How did fibre optic technology transform communications? What if you could protect your belongings with a real-life "force field"? Scribble in a digital notebook. Pit your wits against robot friends. And walk around in GPS shoes! From the machines that clean our living spaces to the engines that move us from place to place, and from pocket-sized devices to vast hubs of information, grasp the astounding workings of tech and gadgets as never before!
庫存 > 10
定價:270 元, 優惠價:9 243
World of Science (Set 3)精裝
出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2022/04/25 裝訂:精裝
《World of Science 科學世界》系列有趣的內容,能吸引孩子從樂趣中學習,同時透過豐富的擴增實境(AR)動態增進科學知識、活潑有趣的全彩漫畫培養對科學的熱愛。本套書涵蓋多元的科學主題,並符合亞太地區的劍橋小學課程大綱,並具有延伸內容,拓展小讀者的好奇心與科學思維。本系列包含一本特別版《Guss'Gutsy Adventures》,內容由A* STAR(新加坡科技研究局)的消化系統專家-Germaine Yong博士撰寫。 *本系列書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。The World of Science series engages, educates and entertains children, imparting scientific facts, while nurturing the love of Science through dynamic, full-colour comics enriched by Augmented Reality. All topics covered are in line with the Singapore primary Science syllabus and the Cambridge primary Science curriculum, and also offer beyond-the-syllabus insights designed to stretch inquiring young minds. This set includes a bonus Special Edition book Guss' Gutsy Adventures: An Augmented Reality Tale of a Young Bacteria Navigating the Human Digestive System, authored by A* STAR Scientist Dr Germaine Yong, an expert in the digestive system. The topics covered in this book are taught in the Singapore Science primary school syll
定價:2208 元, 優惠價:9 1987
Adventures in the Green Movement
作者:Kwek Karen  出版社:WS EDUCATION CHILDREN  出版日:2022/04/25 裝訂:平裝
《綠色運動歷險記》身臨其境的接觸21世紀最緊迫的環境問題,以及如何解決這些問題的各種方案。為什麼我們應該關心森林砍伐、霧霾和塑膠垃圾?我們要如何才能負責任地管理水和電等資源?種一棵樹,做再生紙,對一次性用品說「不」!騎著自行車繞著地球上的綠色城市走一圈!從扭轉環境破壞到推廣環保能源,體驗綠色運動的鼓舞人心的廣大影響!*本書擴增實境(AR)互動功能,需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Adventures in the Green Movement is an immersive encounter with some of the most pressing environmental issues of the 21st century, and the wide variety of solutions aimed at addressing those problems. Why should we be concerned about deforestation, haze and plastic waste? How can we manage resources like water and electricity responsibly? Plant a tree, make recycled paper, and say "no" to single-use disposable items! Ride a bike around one of the planet's green cities! From reversing environmental damage to promoting eco-friendly sources of energy, experience the inspiring impact of the green movement as never before!
庫存 > 10
定價:270 元, 優惠價:9 243
作者:San-X株式會社  出版社:台灣角川  出版日:2022/04/21 裝訂:平裝
★你很了解角落小夥伴並熟知他們的秘密嗎?藉由回答選擇題,測試你的角落小知識!★全書共有100道題目!滿滿都是角落小夥伴的可愛插圖!這本書有很多和角落小夥伴相關知識的選擇題♪例如:角落小夥伴的個性是?特技是?喜歡什麼?做完整本100道選擇題後,保證會更加深入了解充滿個性的角落小夥伴哦!Q:角落小夥伴喜歡什麼地方?A正中央 B角落 C前面A:B角落角落小夥伴最喜歡角落!據說待在角落最安心了。反而最不喜歡正中央喔。Q:蜥蜴其實是…?A蜥蜴 B恐龍 C河馬A:B恐龍蜥蜴其實是倖存的恐龍!怕被抓走,所以偽裝成蜥蜴。Q:白熊的興趣是什麼?A散步 B看書 C喝茶A:C喝茶待在角落喝熱茶,最安心了。目次第1章介紹角落小夥伴們♪角落小夥伴是什麼選擇題第2章好興奮選擇題7題目的下一頁就是答案喔。 ❤角落小夥伴就是這樣的❤❤貓:害羞的貓。常在角落裡,背對大家抓牆壁。❤企鵝?:對自己是不是企鵝不太有把握。以前頭上好像曾有碟子……❤炸豬排:炸豬排的邊邊。瘦肉1%、肥油99%,因為都是油,所以被吃剩下來……❤炸蝦尾:吃剩的……與炸豬排是知心好友。❤白熊:從北方逃跑出來,怕冷又怕生的一隻熊。窩在角落喝一杯熱茶時,讓他感覺最平靜。❤裹布:白熊的行李,佔位子常用到。❤蜥蜴:其實是倖存的恐龍。因為怕被抓到所以假冒蜥蜴。與偽蝸牛推心置腹。❤偽蝸牛:其實是一隻身上背著外殼的蛞蝓。對這個小謊深感抱歉。❤粉圓:奶茶先被喝光而剩下的。❤麻雀:只是一隻平凡麻雀,很喜歡炸豬排,所以會啄食炸豬排。❤山:仰望富士山的一座小山。❤咖啡豆老闆:據說會沖泡世界上最美味的咖啡。❤幽靈:不想嚇到人,所以總是悄悄的。❤飛塵:角落是我們的院子!❤雜草:擁有一個夢想,希望有一天能在嚮往的花店裡被做成一把花束!積極的小草。
定價:300 元, 優惠價:9 270
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