
三民網路書店 杜威圖書分類法 / Generalities & computer science / Library operations

Guide to Writing Collection Development Policies for Music
作者:Amanda Maple; Jean Morrow  出版社:Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc  出版日:2001/03/01 裝訂:平裝
A supplement to the American Library Association's Guide for Written Collection Policy Statements , designed to assist librarians, both music specialists and generalists, who are responsible for writi
定價:2052 元, 優惠價:9 1847
Guide to Writing Collection Development Policies for Music
作者:Amanda Maple; Jean Morrow  出版社:Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc  出版日:2001/02/01 裝訂:精裝
This guide, a supplement to the ALA's Guide for Written Collection Policy Statements, is meant to assist librarians, both music specialists and generalists, who are responsible for writing collection
定價:3002 元, 優惠價:9 2702
作者:Sandra Nelson  出版社:Amer Library Assn  出版日:2001/02/01 裝訂:平裝
Using the language of management, Nelson (a management consultant and trainer in public library planning) guides the reader through the system of steps she's devised for preparing and implementing a l
定價:3600 元, 優惠價:1 3600
作者:Danny P. Wallace (EDT); Connie Jean Van Fleet (EDT)  出版社:Libraries Unltd Inc  出版日:2001/01/15 裝訂:平裝
Bringing together library and information science faculty and practicing library managers, this work combines some of the most exciting concepts and methodologies of library evaluation with the practi
定價:3420 元, 優惠價:1 3420
作者:Judy A. Long  出版社:Delmar Publishers  出版日:2001/01/01 裝訂:平裝
"Legal Research Using WESTLAW" is an invaluable guide for anyone conducting legal research with WESTLAW, a popular research vehicle. The book provides instruction in a step-by-step manner and highli
作者:Randall M. MacDonald; Susan Priest MacDonald  出版社:Greenwood Pub Group  出版日:2000/12/30 裝訂:精裝
Students and researchers are increasingly relying on electronic databases for gathering information on all topics. Effective use of these systems requires an understanding of how the systems work, as
作者:Richard J. Cox  出版社:Greenwood Pub Group  出版日:2000/12/30 裝訂:精裝
For the past three decades, policies regarding a variety of information issues have emanated from federal agencies, legislative chambers, and corporate boardrooms. Despite the focus on information pol
New Technologies and Reference Services
作者:William A. Katz (EDT)  出版社:Routledge  出版日:2000/12/01 裝訂:精裝
Offer your patrons the cutting-edge reference services they demand!In the past, a reference librarian needed to develop a command of a few reference works, master the skills of the reference interview
定價:4370 元, 優惠價:79 3452
作者:Ronald E. Rice (EDT); James Everett Katz (EDT)  出版社:SAGE Publications UK  出版日:2000/11/17 裝訂:平裝
With the popularity of the Internet, more and more people are turning to their computers for health information, advice, support and services. With its information based firmly on research, The Inter
Weaving the Web ─ The Original Design and Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web by Its Inventor
作者:Tim Berners-Lee; Mark Fischetti  出版社:HarperCollins US  出版日:2000/11/01 裝訂:平裝
Named one of the greatest minds of the 20th century by Time, Tim Berners-Lee is responsible for one of that century's most important advancements: the world wide web. Now, this low-profile geni
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
作者:Judy Galesn  出版社:Uxl  出版日:2000/11/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:300 元, 優惠價:1 300
作者:Margaret Procter; Michael Cook  出版社:Ashgate Pub Co  出版日:2000/11/01 裝訂:精裝
The third edition of this comprehensive British guide to the theory and practice of listing archives will provide a basic tool for generalist repositories and any organization with archives to manage.
The Lawyer's Guide to Internet Research
作者:Kathy Biehl; Tara Calishain  出版社:Scarecrow Pr  出版日:2000/11/01 裝訂:平裝
A lawyer (Biehl, who has taught at the U. of Houston Law Center and Rice University) and a researcher (Calishain, author of Official Netscape Guide to Internet Research ) show lawyers, paralegals, le
定價:2014 元, 優惠價:9 1813
The Internet for Busy People ― The Book to Use When There's No Time to Lose!
作者:Christian Crumlish  出版社:McGraw-Hill Osborne Media  出版日:2000/11/01 裝訂:平裝
An introduction to the Internet for beginners covers online basics, e-mail, vocabulary, FTP, newsgroups, and Web searching.
定價:1440 元, 優惠價:1 1440
Cybersex: The Dark Side of the Force
作者:Al Cooper (EDT)  出版社:Routledge UK  出版日:2000/10/05 裝訂:平裝
This groundbreaking examination of cybersex was originally published as a special issue of the journal Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity. It is a crucial resource for sex therapists, who until now had
定價:2274 元, 優惠價:9 2047
Travel Planning on the Internet ─ The Click and Easy Guide
作者:Ronald L. Krannich; Caryl Rae Krannich  出版社:Impact Pubns  出版日:2000/10/01 裝訂:平裝
Identifies web sites, search engines, directories, newsgroups, and mailing lists dealing with travel and activities, transportation, and accommodations. There is information targeted to specific commu
定價:898 元, 優惠價:1 898
Human Services Online ― A New Arena for Service Delivery
作者:Jerry Finn (EDT); Gary Holden (EDT)  出版社:Taylor & Francis  出版日:2000/10/01 裝訂:平裝
Will your agency or students have the training to use the Internet in practice?Human Services Online: A New Arena for Service Delivery focuses on ways that Human Services are using the Internet for se
定價:3477 元, 優惠價:79 2747
作者:Michael Eisenberg; Robert E. Berkowitz; Robert Darrow; Kathleen L. Spitzer  出版社:Linworth Pub Co  出版日:2000/10/01 裝訂:平裝
The Big6 Skills approach is a system for information and technology skills instruction. This work provides secondary classroom teachers, teacher-librarians, and technology teachers with background and
定價:2472 元, 優惠價:1 2472
作者:Richard J. Cox  出版社:Greenwood Pub Group  出版日:2000/09/30 裝訂:精裝
The importance of records in modern society is explored by re-examining some of the historical antecedents for critical functions in the modern records professions. The motivation for writing this boo
作者:Juris Dilevko  出版社:Greenwood Pub Group  出版日:2000/09/30 裝訂:精裝
Considers the thorny question of why many reference librarians have negative attitudes towards unobtrusive evaluation studies.
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