First published in 1893, The Art of Casting in Iron has since made its mark in the field of blacksmithing, offering handymen everything they need to know to make appliances, chains, and statues and r
Duplex Stainless Steels (DSSs) are chromium-nickel-molybdenum-iron alloys that are usually in proportions optimized for equalizing the volume fractions of austenite and ferrite. Due to their ferritic-
This book is an essential reference for achieving maximum productivity from machine tools when tuning the most commonly used grades of carbon, alloy, stainless, and tool steels. More specifically, it
A photographic showcase of the heyday of the steel industry Published in cooperation with Western Reserve Historical SocietyIn the first half of the twentieth century, the steel industry was the major
This reference presents the classical perspectives that form the basis of heat treatment processes while incorporating descriptions of the latest advances to impact this enduring technology. The secon
Intended for tool and die shops, this handbook walks through the process of heat treating D2, A2, A6, H13, S7, M2, O1, and W1 tool steel, and provides guidelines for grinding hardened tool steel and s
The Foseco Ferrous Foundryman's Handbook is a practical reference book for all those concerned with making castings in any of the commonly used alloys, by any of the usual moulding methods.Internation
A useful technique for extending the life of equipment such as fishing vessels. Describes wet, dry and "old dry" processes, including principles, benefits, equipment, materials, heal
This monograph provides university professionals and students, those working in the steel industry and steel plant suppliers in related activities, with a concise account of the engineering, process a