Discover and learn with Timmy and Tammy! Become an expert reader, explore your home and beyond, and have fun with this bestselling series!What should a family do when everyone wants to eat something different? Go to a food court, of course! Good idea, Timmy and Tammy! 與 Timmy 和 Tammy 一起探索和學習!成為專業讀者,探索您的家園及週邊地區,並享受這一系列暢銷書的樂趣! 當家裡每個人都想吃不同的東西時,該怎麼辦?當然是去美食廣場囉!好主意,蒂米和塔米!
Discover and learn with Timmy and Tammy! Become an expert reader, explore your home and beyond, and have fun with this bestselling series!What should a family do when everyone wants to eat something different? Go to a food court, of course! Good idea, Timmy and Tammy! 與 Timmy 和 Tammy 一起探索和學習!成為專業讀者,探索您的家園及週邊地區,並享受這一系列暢銷書的樂趣! 當家裡每個人都想吃不同的東西時,該怎麼辦?當然是去美食廣場囉!好主意,蒂米和塔米!
Discover and learn with Timmy and Tammy! Become an expert reader, explore your home and beyond, and have fun with this bestselling series!Come have fun with Timmy and Tammy while they check out the beautiful dragon playground. Playground time is always a great time, and it's also the best time to make new friends! 與 Timmy 和 Tammy 一起探索和學習!成為專業讀者,探索您的家園及週邊地區,並享受這一系列暢銷書的樂趣!快來和 Timmy 和 Tammy 一起參觀美麗的龍遊樂場,享受快樂的時光。遊樂場時光總是令人愉快,也是結交新朋友的最佳時機!
Discover and learn with Timmy and Tammy! Become an expert reader, explore your home and beyond, and have fun with this bestselling series!Come have fun with Timmy and Tammy while they check out the beautiful dragon playground. Playground time is always a great time, and it's also the best time to make new friends! 與 Timmy 和 Tammy 一起探索和學習!成為專業讀者,探索您的家園及週邊地區,並享受這一系列暢銷書的樂趣!快來和 Timmy 和 Tammy 一起參觀美麗的龍遊樂場,享受快樂的時光。遊樂場時光總是令人愉快,也是結交新朋友的最佳時機!
Discover and learn with Timmy and Tammy! Become an expert reader, explore your home and beyond, and have fun with this bestselling series!Timmy and Tammy soak in the sun and sand at the beach! Let's join them for the perfect family outing! 與 Timmy 和 Tammy 一起探索和學習!成為專業讀者,探索您的家園及週邊地區,並享受這一系列暢銷書的樂趣!蒂米和塔米在海灘享受陽光和沙灘!讓我們和他們一起享受一次完美的家庭出遊吧!
Discover and learn with Timmy and Tammy! Become an expert reader, explore your home and beyond, and have fun with this bestselling series!Timmy and Tammy soak in the sun and sand at the beach! Let's join them for the perfect family outing! 與 Timmy 和 Tammy 一起探索和學習!成為專業讀者,探索您的家園及週邊地區,並享受這一系列暢銷書的樂趣!蒂米和塔米在海灘享受陽光和沙灘!讓我們和他們一起享受一次完美的家庭出遊吧!
Dugong. Coffin Ray. Convict Blenny. Vampire Squid. Whale Shark.Do these animals sound dangerous or endangered to you? Because of their common names, bizarre looks or large body sizes, some creatures have a bad reputation and possibly instil fear.But are they really dangerous? Are they endangered, too?Come discover the fascinating facts and stories of 25 marine creatures living across the oceans'' depths, from the shallow intertidal reefs to the deep abyssal trenches. Find out what makes them dangerous, endangered, or both!In This Book:Written and reviewed by marine biologists and reviewed by marine biologistsLife-like wildlife illustrations 儒艮。澳洲睡電鰩。白條錦鰻鳚。吸血鬼烏賊。鯨鯊這些動物對您來說聽起來危險嗎?由於其常見的名字、奇異的外觀或巨大的體型,一些生物名聲不好,甚至可能引起人們的恐懼。但它們真的很危險嗎?它們也瀕臨滅絕嗎? 來探索 25 種生活在海洋深處(從淺的潮間帶珊瑚礁到深海海溝)的海洋生物的迷人事實和故事。找出是什麼讓它們變得危險、瀕危,或兩者兼具! 在本書中:由海洋生物學家撰寫和審核,並由海洋生物學家審核栩栩如生的野生動物插圖
Dugong. Coffin Ray. Convict Blenny. Vampire Squid. Whale Shark.Do these animals sound dangerous or endangered to you? Because of their common names, bizarre looks or large body sizes, some creatures have a bad reputation and possibly instil fear.But are they really dangerous? Are they endangered, too?Come discover the fascinating facts and stories of 25 marine creatures living across the oceans' depths, from the shallow intertidal reefs to the deep abyssal trenches. Find out what makes them dangerous, endangered, or both!In This Book:Written and reviewed by marine biologists and reviewed by marine biologistsLife-like wildlife illustrations
Join Biogirl MJ, the co-founder and host of Just Keep Thinking, as she explores the various ecosystems of our tropical rainforests to solve a magical mystery! Glide through the different layers of the forests to discover the hidden wildlife, and learn about the real-life issues happening to the environment.與《Just Keep Thinking》的聯合創始人兼主持人 Biogirl MJ 一起探索熱帶雨林的各種生態系統,以解開一個神奇的謎團!穿過森林的不同層次,發現隱藏的野生動物,並了解環境中發生的現實問題。
Gavin is out to explore a wind turbine farm, and to ensure his sea creature friends are thriving in the waters around it. But, what he doesn''t expect is yet another dastardly encounter with the infamous gang of ... what happens next? We''re not telling you, but pufferfish, orcas, sea turtles and many others are involved in saving the day. Make way for Green Gavin''s superpowers and his super friends!In this new series, Green Gavin is on a mission to protect our environment from the evil clutches of ... humans! From battling sea pollution to protecting wildlife from illegal trade, Gavin is determined to use his (accidental) superpowers to save Earth, one adventure at a time! Go, Go, Green Gavin! 加文 (Gavin) 出去探索風力渦輪機農場,並確保他的海洋生物朋友在周圍的水域中茁壯成長。但是,他沒有想到的是,他又一次與臭名昭著的幫派發生了卑鄙的衝突......接下來會發生什麼?我們不會告訴你,但河豚、虎鯨、海龜和許多其他動物都參與了拯救世界的任務。為加文的超能力和他的超級朋友讓路!從對抗海洋污染到保護野生動物免受非法貿易的侵害,加文決心利用他的(意外的)超能力,透過一次又一次的冒險來拯救地球!加油,加油,加文!
Buckle up, because you're about to go on an epic adventure with identical twins, Amber and Blue, and their feathered friend, Chirp!Together, they are going on a quest to find — and understand — DNA. Shrink down smaller than a speck of dust and zoom through the human body to meet a cast of characters crazier than anything you've ever seen!This isn't just any science book, it's a laugh-out-loud, page-turning adventure that will make you fall in love with the wacky world inside every living thing!So grab your lab coat and get ready to:Decode the secrets of DNAUnravel the mysteries of cellsDiscover the power of proteinsHave a blast learning about genetics!Ready to embark on this mind-blowing journey? Let the adventure begin!繫好安全帶,因為你即將與同卵雙胞胎 Amber 和 Blue 以及他們的朋友 Chirp 一起踏上史詩般的冒險之旅!他們一起踏上了尋找並了解 DNA 的旅程。縮小到比一粒灰塵還小,然後穿過人體去見一群比你曾經見過的任何事物都更瘋狂的角色!這不是一本普通的科學書,它是一本讓人開懷大笑、引人入勝的冒險書,它會讓你愛上每個生物體內古怪的世界!因此,穿上你的工作服並做好準備:-解密 DNA 的秘密-揭開細胞的奧秘-探索蛋白質的力量-盡情享受學習遺傳學的樂趣吧!-準備好踏上這段令人興奮的旅程了嗎?讓冒險開始吧!
Buckle up, because you're about to go on an epic adventure with identical twins, Amber and Blue, and their feathered friend, Chirp!Together, they are going on a quest to find — and understand — DNA. Shrink down smaller than a speck of dust and zoom through the human body to meet a cast of characters crazier than anything you've ever seen!This isn't just any science book, it's a laugh-out-loud, page-turning adventure that will make you fall in love with the wacky world inside every living thing!So grab your lab coat and get ready to:Decode the secrets of DNAUnravel the mysteries of cellsDiscover the power of proteinsHave a blast learning about genetics!Ready to embark on this mind-blowing journey? Let the adventure begin!繫好安全帶,因為你即將與同卵雙胞胎 Amber 和 Blue 以及他們的羽毛朋友 Chirp 一起踏上史詩般的冒險之旅!他們一起踏上了尋找並了解 DNA 的旅程。縮小到比一粒灰塵還小,然後穿過人體去見一群比你曾經見過的任何事物都更瘋狂的角色!這不是一本普通的科學書,它是一本讓人開懷大笑、引人入勝的冒險書,它會讓你愛上每個生物體內古怪的世界!因此,穿上你的工作服並做好準備:解密 DNA 的秘密揭開細胞的奧秘探索蛋白質的力量盡情享受學習遺傳學的樂趣吧!準備好踏上這段令人興奮的旅程了嗎?讓冒險開始吧!
Scratch! Scratch! When Milly the monkey tries milk for the first time, her whole body itches! Follow Milly as she figures out how to deal with her food allergy in this heartwarming story that teaches those with allergies and those without how to embrace differences and celebrate friendship!The Baby Bear Paediatric Care Series features stories of compassion, focusing on pressing conditions and illnesses faced by children in today's world. Through engaging storytelling and beautiful illustrations, children, parents and educators will learn about various childhood conditions, and how they are addressed by doctors and hospitals. The series aims to spark discussion, and to build awareness and hope in children and adults.ABOUT THE AUTHORSDr Catrin Kong is a paediatric resident based in KK Women's and Children's Hospital.Passionate in helping her young patients, she hopes to motivate children to confidently navigate their food allergies in an Asian culture where food is life.Dr Chong Kok Wee