Offering real-world guidance and seasoned insight, The Doctor of Nursing Practice and the Nurse Executive Role is the first book to offer DNP-trained nurse executives the tools needed to create and ma
"Handbook of Dialysis is now completely revised in its Fifth Edition. It continues to provides practical, accessible information on all aspects of dialysis with emphasis on day-to-day patient manageme
The latest, groundbreaking addition to the Advances in Surgical Pathology series, Breast Cancer offers a thorough overview of the disease and the most recent data and technologies used in breast cance
Make optimal use of the latest personalized therapeutic strategies with Handbook of Targeted Cancer Therapy! This concise, practical oncology reference examines more than 120 targeted therapy agents f
Defining Excellence in Simulation Programs is an official publication of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH), created to support the Society’s mission to encourage excellence in healthcare
"This book will focus on the newer, more patient-friendly transradial approach to PCI. US physicians have been slow to move toward this approach, citing a lack of evidence confirming its superiority o
Otolaryngologists and neurosurgeons from the US, Australia, Europe, Canada, and Brazil outline basic and advanced procedures in rhinology, as well as common endoscopic skull base approaches. Each chap
MediQuik Drug Cards, the card deck companion to Nursing2015 Drug Handbook, provides concise drug information in a handy card format. Nursing students preparing for the NCLEX and practicing nurses who
Effectively overcome difficult diagnostic challenges with Breast Imaging and Pathologic Correlations: A Pattern-Based Approach. This atlas illustrates the "how" and "why" of breast imaging, whether vi
"As soon as a junior trainee opens a textbook, s/he quickly realizes that most traditional text books rarely capture the true spectrum of pathology encountered through routine sign-out. The pathology
Understanding pharmacology as it applies to the function of anesthesthetic drugs is crucial to learning how to be an anesthesiologist understanding how physiology interacts with the drugs you are admi
Pharmacology and Physiology in Anesthetic Practice is, as are most of Bob Stoeltings books, a cornerstone in the education of anesthesia residents. One reason is that Pharm and phys constitute one of
The Review of Natural Products is a scientifically based natural product publication that provides content based on facts, not anecdotal information. Over 400 fully referenced, peer-reviewed monograph
"Lever's Histopathology of the Skin, first published in 1949, is a classic work that has been used by dermatopathologists, pathologists, and dermatologists in their own training, in their current prac
"This comprehensive resource is edited by experts at the Mayo Clinic--a world-renowned center for echocardiography. In this revision, the editors incorporate new imaging strategies in the diagnosis of
Ace your cardiovascular medicine certification or recertification exam with The Cardiology Intensive Board Review Question Book – the bestselling exam prep resource from the Cleveland Clinic! Hundreds
Fetal radiologists, maternal-fetal medicine specialists, cardiologists, geneticists, and Doppler specialists from North America, Europe, and Australia contribute 23 chapters that illustrate basic and
Get up-to-date on all of the techniques that are rapidly becoming today’s standard of care with Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 2nd Edition. With this extensively revised edit