Dean (neurological surgery, Case Western Reserve U.) and Herbener (radiology, U. Hospitals of Cleveland) correlate color images from the Visible Human Project with radiologic images. Corresponding lin
Shows oral cavity, glands, stomach, liver, pancreas and duodenum. Provides cross sections of wall of the stomach, the jejunum and the colon. Also illustrates arterial supply. Compatibility: BlackBe
Shows cross section of the eye. Also provides lateral and top view of the eye and shows the visual field. Illustrates anterior chamber angle, lens, retina, fundus and the macula lutea. Compatibility:
This chart shows detailed anatomical view of hair within the skin and of the hair shaft. It illustrates types of scalp hair and hair fiber characteristics. Illustrations show miniaturization of hair f
As orthopaedic specialty units are being combined with other nursing units or integrated into medical-surgical units, more nurses are frequently unprepared to care for these patients with orthopaedic
This chart shows the kidney and surrounding organs, veins and arteries. Illustrations show sectioned left kidney and provide a close-up view of pattern of parenchyma of kidney. The chart also shows ne
This chart defines temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome. It illustrates the normal jaw closed and open, and the nerves of the temporomandibular region. The chart shows and explains common causes and
This chart shows posterior view of the pharynx and shows sagittal section, deep side view, and tonsils. Illustrations provide various views of the larynx: anterior, posterior, side, cut-away side, top
Illustrates the respiratory system from the frontal sinus to the diaphragm. Includes views of the paranasal sinuses, larynx, and bronchopulmonary segments. Also shows the structure of intrapulmonary
Illustrates the respiratory system from the frontal sinus to the diaphragm. Includes views of the paranasal sinuses, larynx, and bronchopulmonary segments. Also shows the structure of intrapulmonary
Classic illustrations by Peter Bachin. Shows anterior, lateral and posterior views of the skeletal system. Also illustrates portion of long bone, auditory ossicles, ligaments of the right hand (dorsa
This chart defines temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome. It illustrates the normal jaw closed and open, and the nerves of the temporomandibular region. The chart shows and explains common causes an
This chart shows the kidney and surrounding organs, veins and arteries. Illustrations show sectioned left kidney and provide a close-up view of pattern of parenchyma of kidney. The chart also shows n
Advanced Case Management: Outcomes and Beyond, is a theoretical, research-oriented, and statistical publication providing comprehensive coverage of advanced case management information. Essential top
This chart defines what an ulcer is; shows the stomach and cross sections of esophagus, duodenum, and stomach layers; and illustrates what causes ulcers and the types of ulcers (erosion, acute and per
Understanding Hepatitis defines viral hepatitis and the types of hepatic viruses that cause this disease:Discusses modes of transmission of hepatitisIllustrates some of the the complications of hepati
This chart on The Liver concentrates on general anatomy of the liver with clearly labeled and concise illustrationsThe large central illustration is an antero-visceral view of the liver and surroundin
Shows oral cavity, glands, stomach, liver, pancreas and duodenum. Provides cross sections of wall of the stomach, the jejunum and the colon. Also illustrates arterial supply. Compatibility: BlackBerry