Written primarily for third and fourth year medical students, Toxicology Recall is a complete, concise review of clinical toxicology. The book is written in the rapid-fire question-and-answer format o
The brand-new Portable reference series, an extension of our popular Portable RN and Portable LPN titles, offers compact powerhouses of clinical information on core nursing topics. Our nurse-experts h
This new addition to the Step-Up Series is a high-yield study aid for surgery clerkships and USMLE Step 2 and an excellent reference for common questions arising during rotations or in the operating r
The Tenth Edition of this classic text provides the best foundation for performing physical examinations and taking patient history. The book features a beautiful full-color art program and a clear, s
Numerous updates and a state-of-the-art ancillary package make the Tenth Edition of this best-selling textbook the most up-to-date book of its kind. New chapters include: End-of-Life Care, Genetics Pe