"I know for my own part that I have no programme, only the inexplicable longing to grasp what I see and feel, and to find for it the purest expression." The works of German Expressionist Karl Schmidt-
Written by a foremost authority on Matisse, this book traces the evolution of his art from the sombre palette of his first works in the 1890s, through his Fauvism, drawings and sculpture, to the dazzl
Like English literature and English manners, the English style of decorating has been copied and admired for generations around the world. It is a style that can be found in a simple cottage with gabl
The great formal gardens of Tudor and Stuart England are a lost art form, swept away in a wave of destruction by the later movement toward a more naturalistic landscape style. No examples survive of t
The Secret Paris of the '30s is one of the most evocative photographic memoirs ever published. For years it was known that Brassai had taken a series of 'secret photographs' which could not be publish
A philosophical and interpretive analysis of the geometrical patterns of Islamic art, explaining their inseparability from mystical mathematics and, with the aid of nearly two hundred drawings, their
The appeal of this extraordinary book lies This prize book on the subject of domestic in its decoration...enchantingly informs us rapt obsession with the details about the evolution of tas
The thinkers of ancient Egypt, Greece and India recognized that numbers governed much of what they saw in their world and hence provided an approach to its divine creator. Robert Lawlor sets out the s
This work discusses the art of Gustave Courbet in the years directly after the 1848 revolution, showing how complex Courbet's intuition of the social and political issues of the time really was, and h
This text shows how certain artists tried to cope in the years following the 1848 French revolution. Concentrating on four particular artists who had little in common, the book shows how they were aff
European civilization between 6500 and 3500 BC long before Greek or Judaeo-Christian civilizations flourished had a distinct culture with its own unique identity. Through study of sculpture, vases and