Those wanting to take a weekend trip will find an appendix listing overnight accommodations and campgrounds.This guide features more than 100 of New Jersey's most interesting places, including:The bes
A philosophical and esoteric travelog through India. Colorful descriptions, often quite humorous, of flora and fauna, customs and mythology, ancient ruins and "modern" cities of late nineteenth centur
This is a study of the manner in which certain mythical notions of the world become accepted as fact. Dathorne shows how particular European concepts such as El Dorado, the Fountain of Youth, a race o
Collects 13 essays previously published in Outside magazine (most of them), Travel & Leisure, Geo, Conde Nast, and Equinox describing travels and adventures in Africa, South America, and Asia. N
Without the heat (or cold), smells, flies this is a nostalgic tour through old (historic) Nevada. Solid if brief history and lots of period photos. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.
A collection of travelogues by distinguished women authors includes the writings of Mary Wollstonecraft, Vita Sackville-West, Annie Dillard, Isak Dinesen, Rebecca West, Willa Cather, Margaret Mead, an
For its millions of readers, the National Geographic has longbeen a window to the world of exotic peoples and places. In thisfascinating account of an American institution, Catherine A. Lutzand Jane
The author describes her travels to Belize, Greece, the Everglades, and the Orkney Islands, sharing her observations on the human history of the regions and the diverse landscapes of the world
This is a major study of the Nobel prize-winning French novelist Claude Simon. Simon is a complex figure: for all that he writes in a distinctively modern fictional tradition (exemplified by Proust, J
Like many of his generation, Bill Bryson backpacked across Europe in the early seventies -- in search of enlightenment, beer, and women. Twenty years later he decided to retrace the journey he underto
The European discovery of the northwest coast of America is fully and dramatically recorded in this journal, an invaluable historical and scientific source document. It is also a gripping narrative of
At the heart of this important and timely study of contemporary geography lies a deceptively simple question: how should geographers respond to a world which is changing fast - perhaps faster than eve
This collection of selected writings represents the best of recent critical work on Milton. The essays cover all stages of his career, from the early poems through to the later poems of the Restoratio
The Geographical Tradition presents the history of an essentially contested tradition. By examining a series of key episodes in geography's history since 1400, Livingstone argues that the messy contin