?This trim overview gives young readers an excellent grounding on volcanoes in an efficient few words. There [is] a succinct and easily readable explanation of how volcanoes are caused by magma pushin
This carefully researched coloring book offers a fascinating pictorial survey of castles in varying styles from Great Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Japan, and other countries. Deta
"It is almost Friday night. Outside, the dark is getting darker," and here and there around the city ninety-two men and thirteen women are getting dressed to go to work. First they bathe and put on th
The king is coming to visit! The lord and lady of Camdenton Manor must work quickly to prepare fo his arrival. It will take weeks to ready rooms, set up tents, and prepare the feast itself. Everyone i
How can you tell dinosaurs apart?You can learn a lot about dinosaurs by looking at their bones. Some dinosaurs were very small; others were huge. Some had sharp, pointy teeth for eating meat; most pla
Bring home your child's classroom with the wonderfully imaginative STEP AHEAD series of products. Proven educational methods reinforce what is taught in preschool through the elementary grades. Simple
Text and pictures of people who are "different"--short, tall, balding, wrinkled, fat, handicapped, etc.--invite discussion of the uniqueness and value of each person despite his/her appearance.
Happy, sad, shy, excited--how do you feel? Sometimes it's hard to explain you feelings. Share this book with a friend and you'll both feel terrific!商品除瑕疵品外,恕不接受退換貨因拍攝略有色差,圖片僅供參考,顏色請以實際收到商品為準
Whenever you are -- inside or outside -- there are shapes to discover. And with Tana Hoban's help you will begin to see them. Look around. How many circles, squares, stars, triangles, hearts, and rec
An ALA Notable Children's BookHONEY, I LOVEand other love poemsAges 7 to 11Love don't mean all that kissingLike on televisionLove Means DaddySaying keep your mama company ????till I get backAnd me doi
Maps and globes can take you anywhere -- to the top of the tallest mountain on earth or the bottom of the deepest ocean. Maps tell you about the world: where various countries are located, where the j
Do you ever mail a letter and wonder what happens to it after you drop it in the box? Read all about the post office and learn how letters are weighed, sorted, transported, culled, canceled, coded, bi
"On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, a hawk in an apple tree." What??!! Those aren't the right words. That's why this is a Mad Lib®. From "Christmas Vacation" to "A Visit