Al Murray's Book of British Common Sense helped Great Britain get back on her feet by providing an injection of "Common Sense" to counteract all the balls and waffle?they've been subjected to in that
Andy Rooney is a classic chronicler of America and her foibles. Over more than six decades of intrepid reporting and elegant essays, Rooney has told it to us straight and without a hint of sugar coat
THREE BOOKS IN ONE MEANS THREE TIMES THE FUN! When the owner’s away, the cat will play–especially if that cat is Garfield, the portly practitioner of mischief and mayhem. But then again, Garfield get
Tis the season for a holly jolly jubilee of winter wonderment from Matt Groening, the naughty but nice creator of The Simpsons. Join in the frosty fun and prepare to be wassailed w
Garry Trudeau’s slogan for the twenty-fifth year of Doonesbury was, “What a long strange strip it’s been…” and that’s even more spot on for the fortieth anniversar
David Sedaris's beloved holiday collection is new again with six more pieces, including a never before published story. Along with such favoritesas the diaries of a Macy's elf and the annals of two v
In their award-winning comic strip Zits, artist Jim Borgman and writer Jerry Scott have succeeded in creating one the most poignant, realistic and funny portrayals of a teenagers found in any medium
In our current state of economic misery and political distrust, surely there is a limit to just how much keeping calm and carrying on one might be expected to undertake. You may very well find that g
Aspiring cartoonist Nate Wright is the star of Big Nate, the daily and Sunday comic strip distributed by Newspaper Enterprise Association since 1991. Nate is eleven years old, four-and-a-half feet tall, and the all-time record holder for detentions in school history. He’s a self-described genius and
More fun than a lost dog in a meat market and livelier than a puppy with two tails, You're the Butter on My Biscuit! is a hilarious chronicle of countrified love commentary. It features sayings that
Kluger and Slavin have reproduced the classic Christmas poem to reflect the ecomonic crisis and corporate scandals that plague current headlines, packing their verse with hilariously spun rhymes (
I hate that I'm going bald.I hate that I still make fun of bald people.I hate karma. Amateur haters, step aside. Time to learn what it really means to be miserable. Because this guy hates everything.
Originally published in 1978 by Gage Publishing as a hardcover, then as a trade paperback with sales of over 60,000 in Canada with seven printings, Olde Charlie Farquharson's Testament is truly a Cana
A few words from the author and eponymous columnist behind The Onion's column, “A Room of Jean's Own,” Jean Teasdale: Hi Jeanketeers and Jeanketeers-to-be!! As The Onion's very own Humor and Human-Int