Give your patients the benefit of today's best adrenal endocrinology know-how with The Adrenal Gland, a new derivative book from the same expert endocrinologists responsible for the highly acclaimed t
Principles and Practice of Cancer Infectious Diseases is a comprehensive and insightful work dedicated to elucidating the problem of infections in cancer patients. This essential volume reviews common
There is a growing interest in, and acceptance of, qualitative research approaches in the health science disciplines, both as standalone methodologies and integrated with quantitative designs in mixed
Introducing Global Health: Practice, Policy, and Solutions is a contemporary overview of the major issues in global public health. The book explores how population health might be maximized with the r
Smallpox was a terrifying human scourge. It covered the skin with hideous, painful boils, killed a third of its victims, and left survivors disfigured for life. This riveting book tells the story of s
Cyndi Dale is clearly the 21st century expert on energy medicine-she takes the reader to the leading edge of this emerging, exciting field with her brilliant insight and intuition. This is the perfect
In Virus Hunt, renowned virologist Dorothy H. Crawford takes us inside one of the great research quests of our time--the search for the origin of AIDS. From hospital intensive care wards to research l
A brand new title in the Rapid series, providing a concise, structured approach for students preparing for ophthalmology examinationsPresents a thorough foundation of ophthalmology knowledge, emphasis
Medicine management is an important and demanding aspect of nursing practice. It requires both clinical knowledge and the use of professional judgement. This book is designed to help both practising a
Written by a drama teacher and an educator in palliative medicine, this unusual book links the challenges of palliative care with the moral and social problems that playwrights have explored over the
Nursing: Decision-Making Skills for Practice is an evidence-based guide for student nurses that prepares them to make effective decisions on the ward and in the community.
Casans (pediatrics, James Cook U. Hospital, UK), Lal, and Griksaitis help pediatricians in training, general practitioners, emergency department staff, specialist nurses, general staff in cardiac cent
"This brand new title in the ABC series provides a comprehensive overview of pre-hospital medicine, including transport, patient assessment, emergency care systems, and pre-hospital interventions.With
"The Laryngectomee Guide” provides practical information that can assist laryngectomees and their caregivers in dealing with medical, dental and psychological issues. It contains information about the
"Health care organizations are challenged to improve care at the bedside for patients, learn from individual patients to improve population health, and reduce per capita costs. To achieve these aims,
Medical Genetics at a Glance covers the core scientific principles necessary for an understanding of medical genetics and its clinical applications, while also considering the social implications of g