LI, YIH-YUAN MEMORIAL LECTURE 李亦園院士紀念講座專文1 Bourdieu and the Politics of Symbolic Violence布迪厄與象徵暴力的政治Ghassan HageRESEARCH ARTICLES 研究論文25 成為「當地人」:馬來西亞混血華人Sino的非類屬性文化認同Becoming “Native”: The Unkinded Cultural Identity of Malaysian Mixed-Blood Chinese SinoBernard Ng Jia Han 吳佳翰79 與物之生:北京「蟲魚花鳥市場」的民族誌研究Becoming-with in a More-than-Human World: An Ethnographic Researchon the “Insect-Fish-Flower-Bird” Markets in BeijingI-yi Hsieh 謝一誼115 持續延展的生命傳記:中央研究院民族學研究所1950至1960年代臺灣原住民族的「田野照片」An Ever-Extending Biography: “Field Photos” of the Indigenous Peoplesin Taiwan from the 1950s to the 1960s in the Institute of Ethnology,Academia SinicaWen-ling Lin 林文玲Taiwan Journal ofAnthropology臺灣人類學刊Volume 20第二十卷Number 1第一期June 2022二○二二年六月◆本刊為「臺灣社會科學引文索引」資料庫(TSSCI)收錄期刊BOOK REVIEWS FORUM 書評論壇Religion, Ethnicity, and Gender in Western Hunan during theModern Era: The Dao among the Miao?168 前言Chen-yang Kao 高晨揚169 以「跨雜糅性」(trans-hybridity)作為「批判性方法論」基礎的未盡之路Jen-chieh Ting 丁仁傑175 苗漢之間:道不同 自相為謀Fu-chen Chiang 蔣馥蓁180 論湘西苗族宗