In this eloquent and atmospheric novel, Li Ang further cements her reputation as one of our most sophisticated contemporary Chinese-language writers.The Lost Garden moves along two parallel lines. In
Nostalgic fans of the Hiyao Miyazaki film and newcomers alike--soar into the modern classic about a young witch and her clever cat that started it all! Half-witch Kiki never runs from a challenge. So
本書纂輯荷蘭國家檔案館(National Archives of the Netherlands)相關荷蘭聯合東印度公司臺灣長官致巴達維亞總督書信原檔的抄錄成果,第4任臺灣長官普特曼斯(Hans Putmans)於1629-1636年間發給巴達維亞當局的36封書信及發給阿姆斯特丹當局的1封信,計37封信。本冊出版書信標的為普特曼斯於1632-1636年寄給巴達維亞3位總督司貝科斯(Jacques
李白詩歌不盡浪漫,杜甫詩歌亦非一味愛國,故此本書精選二人詩作共計七十首,以便讀者領略李杜詩歌風貌、題旨多變之特色。英譯則採用多種韻式、技巧,以證李杜成就非但於中文世界裏光芒萬丈,亦可經由英譯酌情呈現。The poems of Li Bai are not limited to being romantic, while Du Fu's poems do not fall into patriotism only. This book meticulously selects seventy poems of the two poets, for the reader's convenience to grasp their ever-changing poetry elements and motifs. As for the English translations, various rhyme schemes and poetic skills are used to prove that Li Bai and Du Fu are not only the luminaries in the world of the Chinese language, but their achievements can also be properly represented via English translation.
李喬(1934-),極具代表性的當代臺灣作家。本輯選譯其短篇小說八篇,包括:早期蕃仔林的故事〈哭聲〉;反映現代社會生活的壓抑、恐懼、和痛苦的〈昨日水蛭〉、〈恐男症〉、〈蜘蛛〉、〈人球〉;關切政治議題的〈告密者〉和〈孽龍〉;以及主題帶有佛教思想的〈某種花卉〉。 Taiwan Literature: English Translation Series introduces to English re
Apart from “new poetry” composed in the vernacular language, the tradition of classical poetry originating in China has also been maintained in Taiwan. We cannot ignore the fact that those poets who c