馬歡是隨鄭和出使西洋的阿拉伯文翻譯官,他是回教徒,先後於1412年、1421年和1431年三次出使西洋,他將其親眼目睹和聽聞的西洋各國國情寫成瀛涯勝覽一書,記錄了他所訪問的二十個西洋國家,有助於增加我們對這些國家在十五世紀的國情的瞭解。鄭和下西洋官方檔案均已銷毀不存,故該書成為瞭解鄭和下西洋歷程之重要文獻之一。Ma Huan was an Arabic translator who accompanied Zheng He on his missions to the West Ocean. He was a Muslim, and he went to the West Ocean three times in 1412, 1421, and 1431. He wrote the book Yingya Shenglan (The Magnificent Scenery in Far Ocean Countries), which records the twenty Western countries he visited. It will help to increase our understanding of the national conditions of these countries in the fifteenth century. The official archives of Zheng He's voyages have been destroyed, so this book has become one of the important documents to understand Zheng He's voyages.