Conceived as a starting point for those coming to Buddhism for the first time, The Core Teachings is a guided tour of the most essential aspects of Buddhist wisdom and how they can be applied in our o
In today’s Buddhist sphere, numerous claims have been made on what the Buddha has taught. However, were these teachings truly spoken by the Buddha? The Buddha-Dharma: Pure and Simple New Edition is an exploration of over 300 topics, where Venerable Master Hsing Yun clarifies the Buddha’s teachings in a way that is accessible and relevant to modern readers. Erroneous Buddhist views should be corrected, and the true meaning of the Buddha must be preserved to hold true to the original intents of the Buddha.
觸動心靈的寓言故事小時候,故事書經常是陪伴我們長大的忠實良伴,在成長的過程中引領著我們。好的故事會觸動心靈,並且啟發我們要讓自己和周遭的世界變得更好。故事,也會形塑我們的價值觀,而我們最終成為什麼樣的人將取決於這些價值觀。星雲大師著《星雲說喻 中英對照版》一共六冊,讓讀者透過閱讀生動有趣的故事,探索並領悟佛陀深奧的教法和人間佛教理念。故事圍繞著佛教的「六度波羅蜜」開展,也就是菩薩道的「六度」精神:布施、持戒、忍辱、精進、禪定和般若。每篇故事以一則智慧法語作為總結,引導讀者省思個中寓意。這些故事如同一面明鏡,帶著我們檢視生活,思維如何將那永恆不朽的佛法應用在生活。第三冊收錄十五篇以六度波羅蜜中的「忍辱」為主題的短篇故事。這是一套適合所有年齡層讀者的故事選集,本套書亦提供中英詞彙表,雙語讀者能更好理解每則故事的精髓。期許《星雲說喻 中英對照版》能帶領讀者探索故事中無窮的慈悲、智慧與布施精神,照亮生命的道路。Since our earliest days, stories have been faithful companions, guiding us through life’s journey. The power of a good story lies in its ability to touch our hearts, inspiring us to grow and bring positive change to ourselves and the world around us. Stories shape our perspective, and in turn, our perspective shapes who we become. Introducing Bodhi Light Tales by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, a monumental 6-volume set available in both English and Chinese. This enchanting collection invites readers to explore the profound teachings of the Buddha and the principles of Humanistic
★中英對照 全彩圖文 故事隨身聽 親子教育最佳教材觸動心靈的寓言故事小時候,故事書經常是陪伴我們長大的忠實良伴,在成長的過程中引領著我們。好的故事會觸動心靈,並且啟發我們要讓自己和周遭的世界變得更好。故事,也會形塑我們的價值觀,而我們最終成為什麼樣的人將取決於這些價值觀。星雲大師著《星雲說喻 中英對照版》一共六冊,讓讀者透過閱讀生動有趣的故事,探索並領悟佛陀深奧的教法和人間佛教理念。故事圍繞著佛教的「六度波羅蜜」開展,也就是菩薩道的「六度」精神:布施、持戒、忍辱、精進、禪定和般若。每篇故事以一則智慧法語作為總結,引導讀者省思個中寓意。這些故事如同一面明鏡,帶著我們檢視生活,思維如何將那永恆不朽的佛法應用在生活。第二冊收錄十五篇以六度波羅蜜中的「持戒」為主題的短篇故事。這是一套適合所有年齡層讀者的故事選集,本套書亦提供中英詞彙表,雙語讀者能更好理解每則故事的精髓。期許《星雲說喻 中英對照版》能帶領讀者探索故事中無窮的慈悲、智慧與布施精神,照亮生命的道路。Since our earliest days, stories have been faithful companions, guiding us through life’s journey. The power of a good story lies in its ability to touch our hearts, inspiring us to grow and bring positive change to ourselves and the world around us. Stories shape our perspective, and in turn, our perspective shapes who we become.Introducing Bodhi Light Tales by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, a monumental 6-volume set available in both English and Chinese. This enchanting collection invites readers to explore the profound teachings of the Buddha and the
★中英對照 全彩圖文 故事隨身聽 親子教育最佳教材觸動心靈的寓言故事引領探索慈悲與智慧邁向自我覺醒的旅程小時候,故事書經常是陪伴我們長大的忠實良伴,在成長的過程中引領著我們。好的故事會觸動心靈,並且啟發我們要讓自己和周遭的世界變得更好。故事,也會形塑我們的價值觀,而我們最終成為什麼樣的人將取決於這些價值觀。星雲大師著《星雲說喻 中英對照版》一共六冊,讓讀者透過閱讀生動有趣的故事,探索並領悟佛陀深奧的教法和人間佛教理念。這套書精選的一百二十篇故事,圍繞著佛教的「六度波羅蜜」開展,也就是菩薩道的「六度」精神:布施、持戒、忍辱、精進、禪定和般若。每篇故事以一則智慧法語作為總結,引導讀者省思個中寓意。這些故事如同一面明鏡,帶著我們檢視生活,思維如何將那永恆不朽的佛法應用在生活。第一冊收錄二十篇以「布施」為主題的短篇故事。這是一套適合所有年齡層讀者的故事選集,本套書亦提供中英詞彙表,雙語讀者能更好理解每則故事的精髓。期許《星雲說喻 中英對照版》能帶領讀者探索故事中無窮的慈悲、智慧與布施精神,照亮生命的道路。Since our earliest days, stories have been faithful companions, guiding us through life’s journey. The power of a good story lies in its ability to touch our hearts, inspiring us to grow and bring positive change to ourselves and the world around us. Stories shape our perspective, and in turn, our perspective shapes who we become.Introducing Bodhi Light Tales by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, a monumental 6-volume set available in both English and Chinese. This enchanting collection invites readers to explore the profound teachings of