當代中國青年既是個性閃耀、勇敢追逐夢想的一代人,也是為中國經濟快速發展奉獻青春與智慧的生力軍。本冊圖書以90後普通青年人為主人公,講述了他們步入社會後在時代舞臺上嶄露頭角、實現夢想的過程,勾畫出這一代年輕人昂揚向上、積極進取、追求人生價值的閃光魅力。 The youth in contemporary China are not only a generation of people who have strong personalities and bravely pursue their dreams, but also a new force contributing fresh ideas to China's rapid economic development. This book tells the stories of ordinary young people born in the 90s who have emerged on the national stage by striving for and realizing their dreams. It is an essential reader for those wishing to understand the mindset and values of today's successful young people in China, who use boundless energy and innovation to find meaning and success in life.
偉大出自平凡,英雄來自人民。新中國的輝煌成就離不開千千萬萬勞動者的接續奮鬥。本冊圖書中的人物大都是普通人,有大學宿管員、鄉村老師,也有基層保安。他們雖然平凡卻不平庸,他們用無怨無悔的堅守和付出在普普通通的工作崗位上書寫精彩靈動的人生華章。 Heroes are often born from the most ordinary of people. China has made remarkable achievements since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, in no small part due to the dreams and daily struggles of millions of ordinary people: a university dormitory supervisor, a village teacher, a store security guard… Because of their perseverance and dedication to service, through their ordinary jobs they exert an extraordinary influence on those around them. It is an inspirational book to be enjoyed by anyone to discover that ordinary people can make a difference.
創新技術、新商業模式、共享經濟……這些新名詞帶來的新氣象深刻地影響著中國經濟。本冊圖書講述了中國社會近年來湧現出的經典創業故事,全面展示中國新一代創業者的理想追求、實踐經歷及個人風采。希望他們的創業故事能對世界各國的創業者有所啟迪。 Innovative technologies, new business models, and a shared economy… all buzz words in today's China that are exerting a deep influence on the rapidly-growing Chinese economy. This volume recounts the true stories of real people who have emerged in Chinese society in recent years owing to their entrepreneurship, ideals, personal experience, and charisma. These interesting stories of China's next generation of successful entrepreneurs can become a source of inspiration for readers everywhere.