“全球史譯叢”之一。一本廣受讚譽的經典著作,本書走出了美國史研究中簡單的印第安人與白人的故事、佔領與同化的故事以及文化堅持的故事,而是帶來更深度的研究和解讀。 本書告訴我們歐洲人如何與印第安人相遇,彼此將對方看作外人和他者,幾乎是非人類,及他們在1650-1815年間如何在大湖區創造了一個共同的可以相互理解的世界。在這裡,古老的舊世界與各種各樣的歐洲人的世界重疊,他們的混合創造了一種新的交流系統和價值認同系統。本書為20周年紀念版,作者新加序言。本書為經典美國史著作,瞭解美國的必讀之作。•獲獎情況:Francis Parkman Prize for best book on American history (The Middle Ground), 1992Albert J. Beveridge Award for best English-language book on American history (The Middle Ground), 1992Albert B. Corey Prize for best book on U.S.-Canadian history (The Middle Ground), 1992James A. Rawley Prize for book on history of race relations in the United States (The Middle Ground), 1992Pulitzer Prize Nominated Finalist The Middle Ground, 1992Albert B. Corey Prize for best book on U.S.-Canadian history (The Middle Ground), 1992James A. Rawley Prize for book on history of race relations in the United States (The Middle Ground), 1992Pulitzer Prize Nominated Finalist The Middle Ground, 1992