"The nature of the state and the ideological thrust of state policies continue to shape the character of the economy and social relations in Nigeria. This book analyzes how neo-liberal state economic
Africa has made notable progress in its nascent democracy but with uneven performance across countries. However, across the board, challenges abound. Central to Africa’s checkered democratic narrative
If the political narrative of Africa in the twentieth century was one of liberation and independence, the story since the end of the Cold War has focused largely on different nations' often painful at
From the late 1980s to the early years of the twenty-first century, African politics were defined by a concerted struggle for democratization and the clamor for good governance. Motivated and legitimi
Democratic governance constitutes an enduring challenge for Africa’s most populous country, Nigeria. The book reflects on the form, trajectory and content of democratic governance in post-milit
Interrogating the notion of developmental regionalism as applies to Southern Africa, this volume explores the policy options and interventions necessary to ensure a peaceful and stable regional develo
Interrogating the notion of developmental regionalism as applies to Southern Africa, this volume explores the policy options and interventions necessary to ensure a peaceful and stable regional develo