夢醒時份好像甚麼不可能的事情也可以發生?故事的主角Gumgum一覺醒來,發現自己最愛的他不在身邊,而是活在時間線上的未來戀人,明明腦海裡充滿著二人的珍貴回憶,卻又要為尚未發生的親密關係期待又期待。《All I want is you》是Gumgum以故事主人翁的角度,用簡單直接的文字和不一樣的圖像色彩,記錄著戀人之間的絲絲細語,幻得幻失的寂寞感覺,以至對未來的無限憧憬,宛如為自己寫下一封沒完沒了的
A logical, integrated and comprehensive coverage of both introductory and advanced topics in soil mechanics in an easy-to-understand style. Emphasis is placed on presenting fundamental behaviour befor
Woooooooo-hooooooo.Five people: four are living; three are strangers; two are sisters; one, a teenage hotel chambermaid, has fallen to her death in a dumbwaiter. But her spirit lingers in the world, s
When a fake relationship between scientists meets the irresistible force of attraction, it throws one woman's carefully calculated theories on love into chaos. As a third-year Ph.D. candidate, Olive S
Bella loves Anna. In fact, Bella loves Anna SO MUCH that she wants to be just like her, and copies every single thing she does. But like all little kittens, Bella and Anna get into a bit of a tangle .