A shimmering collection from a fascinating, formally engaged poetIn Distant Mandate, Ange Mlinko moves constantly to and fro: from the tormented Southern landscape with its alternately arid and floode
“In Ange Mlinko’s Shoulder Season observation and metaphor are always on edge. . . . The poems are at once formally engaged, playful, and disturbing. It’s a wild ride and a great read.”—Rae Armantrout
Handbook系列是一套具有「搜尋」功能的實用手冊,藉由搜尋句子左方的「中文索引」,便能馬上找出相對英文說法,快速上手,為學習加分。 開會的時候只會說Ladies and Gentlemen… 會議結束只懂得Thank you very much! 嗎? 本書將讓你學習到最完整的會議流程,了解最詳盡的會議用語。 從開幕致詞到閉幕致詞,包括主席介紹、演講人介紹、請與會者就