NAACP Image Award winner and ALA Notable, this luminous, celebrated novel in verse is now in paperback.Serafina made a secret promiseto go to school and learn to readso she can become a doctorwith her best friend, Julie Marie.But following her dream isn't easy-endless chores, little moneyand stomach-rumbling hungerall test her resolve.When an earthquake hits and separates Serafina from friends and family,she encounters her biggest test of all.Serafina made a secret promise.Will she survive to keep it?有色人種進步協會形象獎得主,美國圖書館協會推薦童書莎拉菲娜與自己約定好:他要去學校讀書,並與她最好的朋友一起成為醫生。實現夢想的路很困難,他總有做不完的家事、永遠不夠的錢與總是餓到咕嚕嚕叫的肚子。有天,地震襲擊莎拉菲娜的家鄉,使得他與家人朋友分隔,莎拉菲娜該如何度過這場危機,繼續她與自己的約定呢?
不懂慣用語,商務溝通大打折扣!美國人在職場及生活上都大量使用慣用語,有些用法不但很難從字面上判斷其意,更有別於我們在傳統教科書上所學用字。例如hold your horses、John Doe、luck out,如果聽不懂,可能會完全誤解整句話的意思,例如下面這句話:We lucked out with the joint venture with Disney.一看到luck跟out,你可能就會在腦中組合出「好運」+「出局」的意思,所以會以為這句話是說「我們很不幸沒有取得跟迪士尼的合作。」事實上,luck out的意思卻是「運氣好」,所以這句話的意思應該是:「我們運氣很好取得跟迪士尼合作。」像這樣的用法在美國人的對話中經常出現,尤其在商務場合中,職場人士如果因為聽不懂、看不懂、答非所問,不但會導致自己的專業能力被質疑,甚至可能錯失升遷的機會。所以當我們已具備了基礎的商務英文能力後,如何將聽、說、讀、寫升級為更「道地」的英文,便是進階過程的重要關鍵!晉升職場經理人,除了專業,還要有傑出的英文實力!要在商務職場中高人一等,除了要擁有專業的學經歷,無非就是要展現優於同儕的溝通力,最忌說話缺乏自信。而英語程度不佳,聽不懂道地的英語表達,都可能讓你的自信打折扣,導致你的專業能力矮別人一截。本書收錄1200個商務慣用語,搭配3600句商務情境例句,教你美國商務職場最道地的英語表達,大幅提升你的英語能力,比同事早一步晉升職場經理人!MP3免費聆聽「聽見眾文」是用來聆聽音檔的手機專用APP,免費提供由專業外籍錄音員錄製的音檔,搭配眾文語言學習書籍,一機在手,隨時隨地都可學習,方便又有效率。購書讀者請現在就加入眾文LINE官方帳號好友(ID:@jwbooks)申請兌換序號,立即享有無限聆聽眾文語言有聲內容的服務。
Who are the men committing the rising number of serial homicides in the U.S. -- and why do they kill? The increase in these violent crimes over the past decade has created an urgent need for more and better information about these men: their crime scene patterns, violent acts, and above all, their motivations for committing these shocking and repetitive murders.This authoritative book represents the data, findings, and implications of a long-term F.B.I.-sponsored study of serial sex killers. Specially trained F.B.I. agents examined thirty-six convicted, incarcerated sexual murderers to build a valuable new bank of information which reveals the world of the serial sexual killer in both quantitative and qualitative detail. Data was obtained from official psychiatric and criminal records, court transcripts, and prison reports, as well as from extensive interviews with the offenders themselves.Featured in this book is detailed information on the F.B.I.'s recently developed Violent Criminal
Women in Film Noir is one of the classic course texts of film studies, a groundbreaking attempt to chart the ways in which meanings and fantasies are produced in film noir through representations of
The study of Asia and its plural legal systems is of increasing significance, both within and outside Asia. Lawyers, whether in Australia, America or Europe, or working within an Asian jurisdiction, require a sound knowledge of how the law operates across this fast-growing and diverse region. Law and Legal Institutions of Asia is the first book to offer a comprehensive assessment of eleven key jurisdictions in Asia - China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, Singapore and the Philippines. Written by academics and practitioners with particular expertise in their state or territory, each chapter uses a breakthrough approach, facilitating cross-jurisdictional comparisons and giving essential insights into how law functions in different ways across the region and in each of the individual jurisdictions.
These nine articles study the relationship of power in the US workplace by going beyond the traditional shop floor and class analyses. Taking as a starting point Foucault's idea that power is neither
Analyzing Oppression presents a new, integrated theory of social oppression, which tackles the fundamental question that no theory of oppression has satisfactorily answered: if there is no natural hie