大魔王與無敵神劍-重陽節的故事『大魔王與無敵神劍』是一本用西方奇幻冒險的繪畫手法呈現中國重陽節故事的雙語繪本,內容不僅圖文並茂,在故事最後更附上《英文字彙練習》與《句型練習》讓孩子在欣賞奇幻故事同時也能加強孩子的英文。「救命啊 !可怕的大魔王來了!」一群小動物慌慌張張的從森林裡衝出來,晴朗的天空忽然烏雲密佈,一種緊張又恐怖的氣氛,瀰漫在森林裡。"Help!The horrible Big Devi
This practical and timely book gives all the information required to implement care pathways for continence so that patients at all levels can have access to evidence based support and advice. I
Bond is the number 1 provider of 11+ practice, helping millions of children pass selective entrance exams. Bond Verbal Reasoning Assessment Papers for 10-11+ years Book 2 develops verbal reasoning pro
Bond is the number 1 provider of 11+ practice, helping millions of children pass selective entrance exams. Bond Verbal Reasoning Assessment Papers for 11+-12+ years Book 2 develops verbal reasoning pr
10PM: Closing time at Café Flores. The door should be locked, but it isn’t, Scott Bradley and Winsome Sommervil are about to become hostages.TEN MINUTES BEFORE CLOSING: Scott’s girlfriend breaks up wi