Frederic Bozo/ Susan Emanuel (TRN)
Bozo, Frederic (University of the Sorbonne Paris France),Rodder, Andreas (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Jgu) Germany),Sarotte, Mary Elise
Bozo, Frederic,Wenkel, Christian
Brian Beach,Steven Armentrout,Rodney Bozo,Emmanuel Tsouris
Frederic Bozo (EDT)/ Andreas Ro?︸er (EDT)/ Mary Elise Sarotte (EDT)
Frederic Bozo (EDT)/ Marie-pierre Rey (EDT)/ Bernd Rother (EDT)/ N. Piers Ludlow (EDT)
Frederic Bozo (EDT)/ Marie-pierre Rey (EDT)/ N. Piers Ludlow (EDT)/ Leopoldo Nuti (EDT)
Leopoldo Nuti (EDT)/ Frederic Bozo (EDT)/ Marie-pierre Rey (EDT)/ Bernd Rother (EDT)
Stanley Hoffmann/ Frederic Bozo