A first course in two of the 20th century's most exciting contributions to physics: special relativity and quantum theory. Historical material is incorporated into the exposition. Coverage is broad an
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This book provides an approachable introduction to food labels. While aimed primarily at teens and young adults, it is a valuable tool for anyone who wants to better understand what food labels are re
Carsten R. Brehm entwickelt auf der Basis der betriebswirtschaftlichen Organisationslehre ein Rahmenkonzept fur die flexible organisatorische Gestaltung.
★★★★★ Amazon 網站五顆星推薦!【內容最實用、範例最精美,教法最好懂!戶外速寫、生活寫生必備的繪畫學習書】 【透過本書培養「透視眼」,你就能擁有描繪任何物體的能力!】 本書作者 Matthew Brehm 是愛達荷大學(University of Idaho)建築學副教授,同時也是一位畫家。在這本書中,他彙集了自己與多位知名插畫家、速寫家、建築師的作品,以精美的插畫為大家示範其中的透視