從歷史的角度探討二十世紀上半葉台灣社會的轉型。 The late twentieth century witnessed rapid changes not only in Taiwan’s economy, but also in its identity. Both economic as well as ideological restructuring have been basic el
This volume tells the story of the importance of the Confucian traditions and why and how Confucian texts were reinterpreted within the different ambiances and contexts around East Asia. The vitality
★國立政治大學外國語文學院「教育部高教深耕計畫」,展開國際交流的里程碑! 《用西班牙語說臺灣文化》緣起 我們發現太多外國師生來臺後都想繼續留下來,不然就是臨別依依不捨,日後總找機會續前緣,再度來臺,甚至呼朋引伴,攜家帶眷,樂不思蜀。當然,有些人學習有成,可直接閱讀中文;但也有些人仍需依靠其母語,才能明白內容。為了讓更多人認識寶島、了解臺灣,雙語的《用外語說臺灣文化》便提供了對大中華區文化,尤其是臺灣文化有興趣的愛好者諸多素材,其中內容深入淺出,易懂、易吸收,內文亦能博君一粲。 ★太平洋的瑰寶──臺灣,猶如萬花筒般繽紛精彩的國度! 《用西班牙語說臺灣文化》共有11章,分別以臺灣語言文化、習俗信仰、飲食、休閒娛樂、交通、建築……等不同角度介紹臺灣,內容皆是臺灣人熟悉的日常。 本書內容豐富多元,以西文為主,中文為輔,深入淺出,易懂、易吸收,認識寶島、了解臺灣就靠《用西班牙語說臺灣文化》!11章內容如下: I. Lengua y cultura 語言與文化 II. Costumbres y creencias 社會習俗與民間信仰 III. Pensamiento y filosofía 思想與哲學 IV. Gastronomía 飲食 V. Ocio y arte 休閒娛樂 VI. Fiesta 節慶 VII. Calendario y medicina china 節氣和中醫 VIII. Transporte 交通 IX. Arquitectura 建築 X. Ropa 服飾 XI. Islas cercanas 離島 每章有1~6個主題介紹該篇內容,主題豐富詳實: I. Lengua y cultura 語言與文化|臺灣語言、六書、書法、臺灣原住民、客家話和其文化、閩南話和其文化 臺灣人使用的語言除了華語,還有客家話、閩南話和原住民語言。透過介紹這些不同的語言及民族來源,可以更加認識臺灣多元又豐富的社會。 II. Costumbres y creencias社會習俗與民間信仰|迷信、媽祖遶境、十二生肖 一般來說,臺灣民間相信有鬼神的存在,十二生肖也是臺灣人普遍流傳的民間傳說,而媽祖遶境的宗教習俗則反映社會文化的重要一環。藉由對於數字、文字、顏色的偏好等,可以更了解臺灣人的文化習慣。 III. Pensamiento y filosofía 思
The book is divided into two parts, namely “Japanese Philosophy: Teaching and Research in the Global World” and “Japanese Philosophy as an Academic Discipline.” The first part integrates reports on th
※改編自Chun Ji Hye老師同名網路小說,Sanchaek團隊精美繪製💖※臺灣LINE WEBTOON觀看數逼近2000萬,讀者評價9.7分人氣作品👍※前有溫柔深情美男殿下,後有癡情專一前未婚夫,素娘究竟情歸何處?※宮中竟再次出現世子嬪的鬼魂?!且看素娘如何大顯神通找出真相!※隨書附贈精美封面造型卡🌺韓國Naver網站9.8分高人氣,爆笑宮廷羅曼史火熱回歸👄改編韓劇大獲好評🌺黑暗再次籠罩宮中,過往的陰謀捲土重來──素娘與王能否攜手共度難關?!隨書附贈造型卡×1「原來是這樣。原來我一直以來幫忙牽線的戀人們,就是用這樣的心意彼此相愛啊。」王的公開承諾,令素娘感到欣慰又覺得空虛,解除禁婚令的目的已達成,她在過程中將心也交了出去,可是由謊言建築起的關係,最終只能以悲劇收場──另一方面,得知素娘真實身分的新源暗自決定,這次絕對不會再放手!王也打定主意要排除萬難迎娶素娘,三人之間的感情糾葛,來到了最高潮──夾在兩人中的素娘究竟會做出何種選擇?
These two searingly funny and unsettling portraits of teenagers beyond the control and largely beneath the notice of adults in 1980s Taiwan are the first English translations of works by Taiwan's most
IntroductionWelcome to Your Turn to Speak. This is a perfect book for adult learners whose English proficiency is at the elementary stage to improve their oral communication abilities and confidence in speaking English. Your Turn to Speak aims at helping learners to become effective users of high frequency/situational language pertaining to their life experiences. Users of this book will be able to apply the selected vocabulary words and master speaking skills with references to the corpus “Oxford 3000” and CEFR A1 and A2 Levels.Your Turn to Speak is competence-oriented and organized spirally, from easy to more challenging practices wherein vocabulary words and sentence patterns are recycled. In each of the 12 units, learners will develop learning skills, think critically, learn vocabulary and sentence patterns collaboratively, duplicate conversations, speak with confidence, and master real-life skills. Here is what each unit contains:Skill focus – Each unit presents one learning skill
本書編譯自原作最新版,內容架構上從基礎科學出發,延伸至人因、材料、元件、光學、模組、系統等工程,特別適合作為各大專院校或是研究所課程的教科書,也適合作為業界工程師了解各項顯示技術的入門書。除了簡介基礎技術及其背後的物理和材料概念外,在智慧型手機、超高畫質電視、穿戴式及可撓顯示器、虛擬和擴增實境系統等最新科技的應用,也都是在本版書所涵蓋的範圍內。原作精選多項重要且熱門的主題,介紹現有及未來各式各樣的顯示技術。此版新增:反射式顯示器及電子紙技術;虛擬和頭戴式顯示器的最新發展與多項擴增實境的應用,以及觸控面板技術及人機互動的方式。在原有的章節中,也納入高畫素分辨率、高亮度的各項最新發展,以及 Mini 及 Micro LED 的基本原理及應用,並納入量子點技術。
Wallace the whale loves to sing! But with his asthma, will he be able to fulfil his dreams of winning the Meadowtown singing competition? Come join Wallace in his journey as he learns how to cope with his asthmaThe Baby Bear Paediatric Care Series features stories of compassion, focusing on pressing conditions and illnesses facing children in today's world. Throughengaging storytelling and beautiful illustrations, children, parents and educators will learn about various childhood conditions, and how they are addressed by doctors and hospitals. The series aims to spark discussion, and to build awareness and hope in children and adults.ABOUT THE AUTHORSDr Leon Tan Yuan Rul is a paediatric resident based in KK Women's and Children's Hospital. Passionate in helping his young patients, he hopes to be able to play a part in motivating children in their asthma journeys.Dr Ting Chun Yi is an Associate Consultant with the Respiratory Medicine Service at KK Women's and Children's Hospital. She