★ 超過50個團隊活動,輕鬆打造高「黏著度」團隊!破冰與開端+娛樂與挑戰+回顧與反思=用最簡單的工具助你提升團隊力量!有人的地方,便需要合作,不論你是什麼身份職業,都離不開團體活動。本書收錄了全世界最受歡迎及最有效的團隊訓練活動,幫你解決99%的團隊難題!作為老師、訓練員、領導者及團隊領袖的你,本書可成為你的創建團隊懶人包,提供團隊訓練、領袖訓練、團隊建立、信任、溝通、創意解難等範疇的全面指南,助你極速上手成為好領導。「當團隊合作和精神能夠實踐時,我們便能一同快樂地工作和玩樂!」——Dr. Jim Cain(本書作者)關係五步曲:破冰、互相了解、合作、建立信任、檢討萬事起頭難,在《團隊合作與團隊精神》中,收錄了不少活躍氣氛的開場活動,讓成員間毫不尷尬的融入團隊氛圍,例如〈你的名字故事〉、〈我的生命線〉等。同時亦收錄了大量團隊建設活動與挑戰,例如〈鬥牛圈〉、〈魔毯〉等,再配以輕鬆小遊戲,例如〈鼻子角力〉、〈海盜的寶藏〉等作互相了解之用。如何進行、有甚麼效果、有甚麼網站可以找到素材,全都一一敍述,絶不藏私。好評推薦:「儘管沒有尖端科技,豪華設施,歷奇活動大師Jim Cain的著作,可以讓我們裝備起來,為青少年提供高質素的團隊訓練。」——溫立文博士(香港遊樂場協會總幹事)「如果你對歷奇感興趣,書架上定必要有這本『歷奇工具書』。」——方栢浩(中國香港挑戰網陣協會主席)
Both teachers and parents appreciate how effectively this series helps students master skills in mathematics, penmanship, reading, writing, and grammar. Each book provides activities that are great fo
Both teachers and parents appreciate how effectively this series helps students master skills in reading, mathematics, penmanship, writing, and grammar. Each book provides activities that are great fo
Soon to be a TV series starring Chris Noth and Danny Pino!From the critically acclaimed author of the Archie Sheridan and Gretchen Lowell series, an “utterly exhilarating and emotionally rich” thrille
Feelings are a normal part of life for children as well as adults, believes author Janan Cain, who wanted kids both to understand the concept of emotions and be able to express their feelings with wor