In his first-ever collaboration, New York Times bestselling author James Rollins combines his skill for cutting-edge science and historical mystery with award-winning novelist Rebecca Cantrell's talen
Many ecological phenomena may be modelled using apparently random processes involving space (and possibly time). Such phenomena are classified as spatial in their nature and include all aspects of pol
A single-source guide to harnessing the power of 3D visualization tools for analysis and representation of landscapes Current technology allows designers to model environmental phenomena and space in
Combine traditional techniques with modern media for more communicative renderingsDigital Drawing for Landscape Architecture: Contemporary Techniques and Tools for Digital Representation in Site Desig
While the story of John B. Rayner is not widely known, this African American educator and Populist leader, the son of a politically powerful white slaveholder from North Carolina, was a political mave
Study faster, learn better, and get top grades Modified to conform to the current curriculum, Schaum's Outline of Pediatric Nursing complements these courses in scope and sequence to help you underst
Praise for Outpacing the Competition Patent-Based Business Strategy "Outpacing the Competition provides a useful IP management framework for rapidly evolving and inherently unpredictable R&D environme
Research studies have shown that as many as 80 percent of students are sexually harassed by their peers, ranging from minor, isolated incidences to repeated, criminal actions. Students Harassing Stude
Nine information-packed chapters and twenty-two diagrams show beginning players how to play and win at chess in one quick and easy reading. You'll learn the moves of the pieces, the rules and p
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me...or can they? In the third thrilling installment of this award winning series from New York Times bestseller Rebecca Cantrell, tortur
The Texas State Historical Association is pleased to offer a reprint edition ofStephen F. Austin: Empresario of Texas, Gregg Cantrell’s path-breaking biography of the founder of Anglo Texas. Cant
They married for the sake of the baby. Will they stay together for love? Widowed power player Phillip Edgeworth's political ambitions demand he have a wifethey don't demand he love her. It's a go